Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jingu hit her release and bit down on the junction of his shoulder and neck, suppressing a load moan.

((I have a plan~~))
Jingu panted softly, running a hand through her hair, leaning up and kissing him.

A slender raven haired woman stood at the front gates of the Date estate, pushing the buzzer to ring for someone, holding a slip of paper, drumming her fingers nervously on her thigh, taping her booted foot and removing her sunglasses, hanging them on her low cut shirt.
"Daisuki desu..~" Jingu murmured into his ear.

"Hey, kid, is um... Maybe I have the wrong place..." She blew air out of her nose. "Is Masamune here?" She asked.
"Daisuki.." Kojurou muttered, a ghost of a smile on his face

"Haa? Something for Otou-sama...?" Hidemune asked, "What is it? Is it dangerous?"
Megohime rubbed the back of her neck, looking away. "Yes... Well, no- That's not the point!" She seemed wound tight. "Listen kid is he here or not? It's important."
"Yeah, he's here...come in, I'll go get him...!" Hidemune let Megohime in and scratched his head, "Do you want anything? Water? Sake?"
"Ah, no, I'm fine." She said, following him inside, looking around. "So... You're, what, his kid brother..?"
"Maybe I could show you how to shot properly, sure Masamune is one helluva sharp shooter, but he's more of a blast them away kinda man." She said, lip curling in a smirk.
Hidemune laughed softly, "I would appreciate a few pointers.." "Hidemune." Masamune growled from the top of the stairs, making the young man jump and turn, "What the fuck are you doing? You have chores." "Hai! Gomen, Otou-sama!" Hidemune bowed to Megohime before running off
Megohime climbed the stairs and followed Masamune into his study, wiping her hands on her oil stained pants. Once she entered she closed the door and faced Masamune, faltering and hesitating.
Megohime glanced at the seat, then slowly sat down, sitting rigidly. "Um..." She wrung her hands, not meeting his eyes. "I think maybe you should go first.." She muttered.
Megohime blinked, had she heard him right? The man who never took their relationship past sex and flirting now wanted her to move in? She stared at him for a moment, waiting for him to start laughing and say he was joking, but he never did. "You're serious.." She murmured, running a hand through her black hair. "Oh..." She let out a breath, gnawing her lip. "I guess I really shoulda gone first..." She took a deep breath and looked to Masamune. "I'm pregnant."
Megohime blushed faintly. "Of course it's yours...! I don't sleep around..!" She said, then frowned. "Sorry..."
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