Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

He moaned and growled, "Hai~" He had grown very attatched to her the few months she's been there; he knew better than to have an attatchment to any woman but he couldn't stay away from her
Jingu took his chin and pulled him closer, kissing him heatedly, grinding slowly against him. "Why don't you convince me~"
Jingu moaned weakly, tilting her head back to expose more skin to him, bucking her hips slightly and pushing one of his hands down to her womanhood.
Jingu closed her eyes and moaned, digging her nails into his back and clawing slowly at his shoulders.
Jingu smirked softly and bit and kissed his neck and shoulder. "Do I really get you this excited, Kojurou-sama~?"
"You're a beautiful woman, Jingu...I've never really felt this way before..." He answered, getting them both completely undressed
Jingu made a soft noise, faltering for a moment before biting his shoulder and sucking, grinding herself against him. "I feel the same way.." She murmured truthfully.
Jingu felt a twinge in her chest, even she had grown to have feelings for Kojurou. He had been gentle with her, and had treated her wounds, brought her water and food when she needed it, and even supplied her with fresh clothing and a bucket of water to wash up with. She nodded, cupping his cheek and looking him in the eyes. "Of course... Kojurou-sama.." She murmured, leaning up to kiss him.
Jingu's breath hitched and she rocked her hips forward slowly, eyes fluttering as pleasure started to heat up her body.
Jingu trembled and moved her hips in sync with Kojurou's, biting his lip and moaning. She wrapped a leg around his hip, moaning his name.
She moaned loudly, lips trembling and her mind becoming fogged. She bit down on his shoulder, whimpering softly.
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