Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Akihime stopped and shook her head, "No, its alright...I-I just...need to take them off.." She muttered embarrassedly before removing her shoes, "Let's continue looking for a way out...! Don't let me slow you down, Yukimura-sama...!"
((Haha, I'm dumb, I forgot my other post..~))

Yukimura hesitated but nodded and continued to search for a way out.

The girl followed Sasuke at a distance, easily picking her way over traps any trip wires, making sure she wasn't loud. A door stood at the end of the hall in front of Sasuke, the only door in the hallway; a thick green sickly sweet smelling fog seeping out from under the door.
Akihime followed behind him, keeping her eyes open for an exit of any kind.

Sasuke made a noise and took his bandana off his head and wrapped it over his mouth and nose before moving forward
Yukimura saw something in the distance and motioned to it for her to see it. "Up ahead, let's hurry." He said, and as they approached he saw it was a set of stairs.

The girl gasped and pulled something from her pocket, putting it over her nose and mouth. "M-Matte!" She called, hurrying after Sasuke.
Yukimura started up the stairs in a slow jog, making sure Akihime could keep pace. "Let's hope this is the way out."

The girl grabbed the back of his shirt and tugged him out of the room quickly. "You can't go in there..!"
Yukimura nodded, heading up the long stairs before finally reaching a door and opening it. "This seems too easy..."

She pulled her rag away from her mouth. "Sure that rag'll keep you from getting poisoned, but it'll still knock you out..!" She said, pulling a small back pack off her back and rumaging through it, pulling something out and handing it to him; a gas mask.
Yukimura looked around the dimly lit hallway, heading down the right corridor. "I don't know, but whatever she does have planned, let's hope we all get out of here alive."

The girl just bowed her head. "Oh, and when you get out of the gas room, take a left, the right floor will collapse and you'll be impaled."
Yukimura headed down the hall, frowning softly. Then he saw a large door at the end of the hall and he drew his gun. "She's there." He said, frowning softly, his gut telling him that She was indeed there. "Very good Yukimura-san~" The voice crackled from the speakers. "Please, do enter, both of you."

The girl scuffed her foot on the floor and looked away. "Just... Hurry up and don't die, you'll be safe after you get past this, there are no more traps or gaurds.."
Akihime drew her own gun and waited on Yukimura before advancing

Sasuke nodded, "Thanks for the help, uh...." He stopped and made a face
Yukimura opened the door and looked around. The room smelled overwhelmingly of herbs and medicine. A woman sat in a large bed at the other end of the room, her long white hair tumbled down her shoulders and past her breasts. She looked to be in her early twenties and appeared to be very frail, a breathing mask over her mouth and her arm hooked up to I.V's. "Welcome, I hope you didn't have to much trouble getting here?"

"Senna desu." She bowed to him. "I live here with Inoue-sama." She said. "I help take care of her."
Akihime almost hesitated, "She's...She looks so ill..." She muttered sympathetically

Sasuke made a noise and nodded, "I better go...thanks again.." He said and put on the mask before heading through the door
The woman smiled sadly. "Yes, I am quite ill..." Yukimura frowned. This woman didn't look at all like the kinda of woman who would do many horrible deeds, but then again looks could be deciving. "Do not pity me though, my fate is sealed, and I have no regrets, though the information to were given was no lie, though I didn't do anything directly, I ordered others to do so for me."
"Why?" Akihime asked, "Did you do so knowing someone would come to take your life..? H-How did you know us when we came in...? Where you hoping we were the ones end your suffering...?" Akihime felt utterly horrid and sympathetic for this woman
"I am not the only person who uses others for information, much like your friend below, and as for suffering... Well, that is merely an understatement." She waved her hand, which was practically ghostly skin stretched over bones. "If you wish to take my life, I will not try to stop you, however I have a request before you do so." "And what would that be?" Yukimura asked. "Do not destroy this building, for many others house here, they shouldn't try and stop you on the way out, but they may not take kindly to you if they know why you are here... Also, if I may request, please do not harm the inhabitants either.."
Satsuki smiled softly and closed her ice blue eyes. "Arigatou, Otani-san." She said softly. Yukimura frowned heavily and moved over to Satsuki, placing the gun against her head, hesitating for a moment before shooting.
Akihime looked away, hearing the heart monitor flat line. She covered her mouth as tears streamed down her cheeks. She dropped to her knees and said a small prayer, asking Buddah to accept Satsuki into Paradise and forgive all her sins
Yukimura holstered his gun and covered Satsuki with the bed sheets, moving over to Akihime. "Not all jobs are going to be killing horrible people who put up a fight..." He said softly.
"I-I know..." Akihime muttered, drying her eyes, "I can't help but feel sorry for her...I had to ask Buddah to forgive her...please don't think me weak, Yukimura-sama..."
"No, I don't see you as weak." He said, giving her another minute to mourn. "Alright, we should find Sasuke and head home."
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