Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Akihime got out and looked around. Both of them were going to set up sniper roosts; what was she doing there if they were going to get it done and over with without much effort?
After searching for a good spot, Yukimura found one, but he couldn't seem to get a good angle on any of the windows. "We might have to go in." He said aloud for both Akihime and Sasuke.
Yukimura packed up his gear and hopped down off the roof, pulling out his guns and slinking to the front door.
Speakers crackled overhead and a voice sounded from them, soft and feminine. "I wouldn't be so sure..~" Yukimura's eyes narrowed. "Do you honestly believe that I'm some mere small fish?" She laughed. "You've been misinformed..~"
"Please, don't worry, you won't have to fight your way trough hordes of thugs, that's so cliché, instead I'll let you wander through my wonderfully, ah, decorated home...~ Ja ne~" Yukimura scowled, looking around, eyes narrowing when he glimpsed a small, very thin wire running just barely off the ground across the length of the floor in the doorway towards the inner house
Yukimura scowled and looked around, spotting many more thin wires around the room. "We'll have to expect more than just wires.." He muttered, pulling out a small knife and cutting the wire so no one else would get hurt.
Akihime sucked on her finger and Sasuke scowled, taking out a throwing knife and throwing it, being sure to cut the wires in the room
"We'll stay together, proceed with cation and keep your eyes peeled." He said, walking at a steady pace down the hall.
"Sure thing, boss." "Hai, Yukimura-sama." Sasuke and Akihime followed him, both looking around, "How did she know we were here?" Akihime wondered aloud
"I don't know... But I underestimated her greatly... I'm getting soft." He muttered, mostly to himself.
Yukimura frowned and continued on silently, stopping every so often to cut a thin wire down, or to step over a trip wire that would set off explosives.
Yukimura stopped, putting his arm out to stop the two. "Pressure plates, all the way down the hall." He said, pointing to the plates, Sasuke's foot almost on one.
Yukimura nodded and frowned, all of the tiles seemed to be pressure plated, but they couldn't all set off traps, could they?
Sasuke tried contemplating a way to get passed the plates; the only way would to have someone really light on their feet, but... Sasuke frowned, there's no switch anywhere nearby to turn them off
Yukimura perked and suddenly looked to Akihime. "Akihime.. Do you think you'd be able to get over to the far hall and look for a switch to turn off the pressure plates?"
"Haa?" Akihime blinked and Sasuke made a face, "There's no way she could-" "Hai...! I can try, Yukimura-sama...!" Akihime cut Sasuke off, determined to make Yukimura proud
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