Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


Megohime took the money and gave him a fake look of sympathy. "Gomen~" She put the money away and set two boxes of shot gun shells on the counter, brushing her hair behind her ear. "Enjoy your new toy~"
((You don't mind...? We can do more conflicted Masamune later and even Kojurou and Jingu, too! I feel like I make you do nothing but AkiYuki and I feel bad...))
(( ψ(`∇´)ψ Hai~! ))

Sasuke stood at the foot of the stairs, staring up at Akihime's bedroom door. Akihime had been acting differently since the mission she tagged along on a couple months ago. She asked Shingen for money for new clothes and equiptment, she was getting better in the shooting range and hella better at close combat. He was starting to get a little suspicious of her
Yukimura came by Akihime's room, knocking on her door. He had gotten a small job, but he still wanted Akihime to tag along.
"Come in!" Akihime called. She was adjusting her thigh high stockings and garter belt, dressed in a short black pleated skirt and low cut red corset vest, long red-brown hair in a low braid. She was a far cry from the weak and helpless girl she used to be.
((*whistle* Is she gonna flirt like heck with Yukimura~?))

Yukimura opened the door, and upon seeing Akihime e blushed and stopped dead in his tracks. His mouth hung open and he lost his train of thought, standing awkwardly and staring at her.

Akihime looked and smiled, "Yukimura-sama...! Ohayo...!" She bowed and brushed off her skirt, "Can I assist you with anything?"
Yukimura cleared his throat, averting his eyes and clearing his throat. "We have a contract... It's just a, um, small one... We should head out."
Yukimura kept his eyes on the ground, nodding and turning. "Alright... Let's go." He said, heading out to get Sasuke as well.
"Sasuke, we have a mission." He said, cheeks still red and it was obvious it was Akihime who had made them red.
Yukimura got in the car and buckled up, waiting for Akihime and Sasuke, and once they were in, he headed off down the road.
"Oh, um... A woman named Sastsuki Inoue, she blackmailed many people, had her people kill many hunters, and she owes quite a bar debt." He said.
Yukimura nodded and parked the car, turning it off and taking the keys out of the ignition, getting out of the car and looking for a good spot to set up on.
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