Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Akihime nodded and removed anything that would make her heavier. She couldn't very well do a lot in a skirt but she would try. Removing her shoes, she moved delicately between the pressure plates on the tips of her toes so she wouldn't aggitate the sensitive plates. She moved like preforming a ballet, moving gently down the hall. When she reached the end, she stood on the balls of her feet and looked for a switch or something.
A small lever was on the wall, just beside a painting, an easy reach for someone who was on the same side as it.
Each plate made a shifting noise, and nothing happened. Yukimura looked around the hall, then carefully placed a foot on the tile to test it; nothing happened. "You did it." He smiled softly and gathered the things she removed, moving over to her.
Sasuke exhaled the breath he had been holding hefore following Yukimura over. Akihime smiled and bowed, "Arigatou, for having faith in me, Yukimura-sama."
Yukimura nodded and handed her items back to her, waiting for her to get her shoes and gun holstered before setting off once more.
"Ah, you are nearly upon me now my darlings, but, let's see how well you all do alone." Suddenly the floor under Akihime and Yukimura opened, the two of them falling down a chute before closing, leaving Sasuke all alone.
The shute was pitch black and rather large, the sound o whistling filling Yukimura's ears as he fell, then he heard Akihime's screaming. He could barely make out her shape as she fell. Scowling softl he reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer and waiting for impact.
Suddenly the room seemed to get a lot bigger and a faint light trickled through the room, showing thy had entered a cavern and were falling toward some large underground lake. When they hit the water, Yukimura had to be careful not to gasp from the pain, but he couldn't help it. He sucked in a large mouthful of water, hoping he had cushioned Akihime from most of the pain.
Yukimura hacked up water and did his best to keep himself afloat. "H-Hai..." He said, crawling on shore and flopping back on his back, soaked to the bone in freezing water.
"W-We need to find a way out of h-here." He said, trying to catch his breath, shivering himself.
Yukimura sat up and pulled his jacket off, wringing it out the water and looking to Akihime. "Are you okay?"
Akihime looked and nodded, " didn't have to protect me..." She said. She smiled shyly, "You really are my Savior, Yukimura-sama..."
Yukimura shook his head. "Don't worry about it, I wouldn't have let you fall to your death, you are still my apprentice after all."
"Hai.." Maybe that's all he saw her as. But she didn't care. She would always love him; even if he didn't return it. She stood and looked around more carefully, "There should be an exit somewhere."
Yukimura stood and slung his sopping coat over his shoulder. "Let's start searching then." He said, trekking across the dirt.

((Hm, I wanna do something kinda cute with Sasuke-slender-fingers~))

A young girl watched Sasuke struggle as dog after dog was released from cages, hunting the man down, barking and howling in delight. Her black hair, closely cropped by her chin on one side and down to her shoulder on the other swayed a bit as she watched him run, then she lifted her arm and put something to her lips, blowing hard. The dogs stopped and lowered their heads, whimpering before scampering away.
Akihime followed him, struggling in her heels.

Sasuke looked back and stopped, curious as to why they had stopped chasing him. "Uh...good dogs?" He said before running off again, not wanting the dogs to jump him
Yukimura glanced behind him, and upon seeing Akihime struggle, he stopped. "Why don't I help you?" He asked.
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