The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Akane heard his comment and growled softly under her breath, stopping and clenching her fists. Anger made her cheeks flush red. "Says the Arrancar who screws around with slutty little Shinigami."
Szayel suddenly appeared and slammed her face into the wall, "If I ever hear you speak poorly of my song bird ever again, I will gut you and toss you out for the Hollows to feast on; though when I'm through, there won't be much to eat." His eyes were dangerous, "Do I make myself clear?"
Akane ground her teeth, feeling a throb in her forehead and warm blood trickle down the side of her face, but she didn't doubt he'd do exactly what he had said. "H-Hai.." She growled out.
Szayel released her and walked away, going back to his work station. Rie looked around the room she shared with Rido before looking to Nieve, "Rie wants to sleep with Okaa-sama.."
"Rie, sleep in here." Rido said, looking around the entire room to make sure it was completely safe for Rie. "Nieve would like that, but I don't thing Rido-kun likes it very much." Rido snorted. "Of course I don't, I don't trust you or the pink haired freak." "Nieve understands..~!" She chirped.
Rido rubbed the back of his neck, looking away when Rie gave him Bambi eyes. "Fine... I guess we can.." Nieve smiled and nodded. "Nieve can move your bed into my room, you can both hunk with her."
Rido blushed and slowly pulled his sister closer in a tight hug. Nieve scurried off to her room to move books aside and clear a spot for two more beds.
Rido followed her, holding her hand gently. When they entered Nieve's room, she was busy moving large stacks of books to the outskirts of her room.
Rido helped as well, though begrudgingly. Nieve smiled brightly. "Nieve thanks Rie and Rido..~!" She said happily.
Rido made a face, but bowed, not wanting to upset Rie. Nieve laughed softly and shook her head. "You don't have to bow, Rie-chan."
Nieve put her hand on Rie's head, something Szayel did a lot when she was younger and was giving her praise. "Rie is very respectful to her."
After a while of moving books and rearranging them, Nieve was asleep on her bed, her spiritual pressure spiking every now and again showing she was having a dream. The bracelet around her wrist looked worn and would need to be repaired soon, but now she was asleep with Rie, snuggling her close and hugging her protectively. Rido came into the room, rubbing his neck and moving over to Rie, gently touching her shoulder. "Rie." He whispered quietly.
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