The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

((Rido's gonna be like a mama bear with his sister~))

Rido grumbled softly, seeing Rie smile made him want to smile too. He couldn't help the overwhelming urge to protect her, but it nearly made him snap at Nieve to let him go so he could check on her. Fake Suzume looked up and glared at Szayel. "I told you my name is Akane...! Not Woman or She-Demon!"
((Aw yiss~ jus' how I like him~))

Szayel waved his hand dismissively, "Yes, yes, whatever." He muttered. Rie giggled at how silly Rido was being; checking on her like she had lost a limb
Eventually slipping away from Nieve he moved over to Rie and held her hand protectively, giving a dirty look to Szayel. "As long as you don't touch Rie.." He muttered. "Nieve promises he won't..!"
"I almost forgot!" Nieve went to her desk and pulled out two boxes, handing one to Rie and one to Rido. "Here!"
Inside was a beautifully crafted choke-chain, beautiful emeralds and sapphires on the silver piece. Rido opened his box and blinked, pulling out a silver wrist cuff with designs carved into the metal. "This is... Kinda cool..." He muttered blushing and putting it on.
"She is glad then." Nieve smiled, cheeks flushed. Akane rubbed her neck, having slunk off to the farthest part in the lab, grumbling angrily. There was no point in escaping with the collar on, she had tried that and gotten one hell of a nasty shock. "Stupid man.."
Rido had put his gift on, nodding and rubbing the back of his head. "Hai... It's okay I guess.." He muttered, making Nieve smile brightly.
"Hollows, more than likely." Szayel said, "Matte.." He moved to the wall and opened a cabinet, pulling out two zanpakutou, "Here...these are yours." "Sugoi~!" Rie took her baby blue colored odachi blade, the zanpakutou taller than her, "Arigatou, Jii-san~!"
Rido unsheathed his Kodachi looking over the blade with a soft noise. The sheath was grey and the handle was cream white. Nieve smiled softly. "Otou-sama says Nieve should keep her blade locked up... He says it's safer that way, but Nieve doesn't mind!"
((Why does Szayel lock up Nieve's zanpakutou? >.> ))

"Okaa-sama should have her zanpakutou, too! Jii-san, let Okaa-sama have her zanpakutou!" Rie said. Szayel made a face, "I don't think that to be wise."
((She is really smart, she just has a hard time keeping her spiritual pressure under control, so she used to release her zanpakutou like crazy whenever her mood left a calm area, so he locked it away and made her a little bracelet to help her suppress it so she doesn't have to focus on it so hard or worry about it~! And it used to make her tired a lot so she'd just randomly fall asleep. :> It's kinda like Arrancar ADHD~))

Nieve fidgeted uneasily. "Rie-san, it's okay, really, I don't mind not having it." She said.
((How cute~! Violent and dangerous~ but cute!))

Rie looked to Nieve, "But, Okaa-sama..." "Ne, Rie, why don't you and Rido go set up your room? Nieve will show you where it is, its right next to hers." Szayel said. Rie dropped the zanpakutou subject instantly, "Ok! Ikuzo, Okaa-sama, Rido!"
((Haha, she was a horror in her terrible twos~))

Nieve smiled and nodded, leading the two into the back room, showing them their beds and dressers. Akane eyed Szayel. "When can I get this horrid clunk bucket off of my neck?" She asked.
((When she was two, whenever she cried she'd fire off a bala and if you were really lucky a cero~))

She scowled. "You claimed you had many rigorous tests to perform on me." She muttered.
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