The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

The people in the streets instantly scattered, some cheering on the fight, others calling for someone to do something, but no one got in the way.

"Ore~? Did I detect a bit of hatred in your voice~? Or maybe it was fear?" A bit of taunting was in her voice and she looked over her shoulder at him.
Kasumi got to her feet and charged, swinging her sword only to have Nnoitra catch it with his hand, "Really?" Kasumi looked horrified as Nnoitra smirked, "That's all you got?" Nnoitra tossed her sword aside and kicked her in the ribs, knocking her back again

"I have nothing but respect ror Nnoitra-sama." Tesla said firmly
"Is that why I felt you tremble at his name?" She said, looking over her shoulder again. "Or is it that you have feelings besides loyalty to the man?"

((Kinda soon~))
Kasumi grunted and coughed up a bit of blood, getting back up and throwing a small bomb at him, it detonating as it hit him. But it barely did anything to Nnoitra. He sighed boredly and shot her with a bala, sending her tumbling into the sand. She laid still in the sand and Nnoitra merely walked away

"Hold your tongue, woman." Tesla hissed
Vee stood there horrified, eyes wide. The first thing she'd seen when she turned the corner was Nnoitra hitting Kasumi with a bala. "You bastard!!" She screeched, pulling a dagger out of her sleeve, about ready to release her ressureccion, but then she heard Kasumi hack up blood and she froze, sheathing her blade and using sonido to move over to Kasumi, gathering her up gently. "Kasumi-chan, please, hold on!" She said, checking her pulse before using a sonido again to leave. She appeared in front of a shack a few miles away, slamming the door open she placed Kasumi gently on the ground and bowed lowly. "Onegai! Please save her, Urahara-san!" She begged.

Ryuuichi spun around and back handed Tesla so hard she made him stumble. Reiatsu glowed softly on her glove, hardened to not only protect her hand from fracturing, but also to make it hurt more. "You will not order me to do anything, do you understand?" She hissed, grabbing the collar around his neck and yanking his hard closer, teeth bared. "Learn your place."
Urahara jumped, holding his hat so it wouldn't fall off, "Who is this, Vee-san?" He asked, "Human? Shinigami?"

Tesla spat in her face, "Know yours, woman." He hissed
"Sh-She's a human, she took on an Arrancar named Nnoitra, please! She's barely breathing!" She said. "Please do something!"

Ryuuichi's single eye narrowed and her pupil seamed to turned into a slit and she slammed him down into the sand, pinning him down and pulling out a dagger with jagged edges and slammed it down into Tesla's hand, twisting it hard before yanking it out, making a large and jagged, ugly wound.

((I'm so sorry Tesla!))
((Nnoitra is gonna enjoy beating her.))

"Ok, ok, lay her down, I'll take care of her...Jinta, Ururu!" He called and the two children came in with the needed healing materials

Tesla hissed and ground his teeth, cursing softly
((Haha... Yeah... >.>))

Vee laid Kasumi down very gently, moving aside so they could get to work, hands trembling.

Ryuuichi put the bloody tip of the blade up to his neck, looking him in the eye. "I don't think I heard you right, please, do repeat yourself." She said, her voice low.
Urahara, Jinta and Ururu went to quick work healing Kasumi, trying to save her life

Tesla swallowed his pride forcablly, "Gomenasai...." He ground his teeth, "Ryuuichi-sama."
Vee stood in silence, biting her lip nervously.

Ryuuichi stood and flicked the blood from the blade before sheathing it. "Don't make me use that knife anymore, Tesla, I don't like using blades. Are we clear?" She said, giving the chain a yank. "On your feet. We need to get moving, I can feel someone approaching." She said, looking around.
Vee nodded, but she still felt like she was going to be sick.

Ryuuichi ignored his comment, but continued to scout the sands. She could feel the spiritually pressure clearly now and it weighed heavily on her body. Someone strong. "Let's move." She said, and it wasn't a question, pulling Tesla up by the chains around his neck, moving quickly across the sand. She didn't want to encounter whoever was heading their way and they either needed to find shelter or get to the nest town quickly.
"Tesla!" Tesla froze, causing him to choke on the chain. He looked back at the tall man walkig towards them with a released zanpakutou. "Nnoitra...sama..." "What the fuck is this? Chained to a woman? You pathetic little fuck." "Forgive me, Nnoitra-sama! A lot happened when we were seperated..."
Ryuuichi frowned and stopped, turning to face Nnoitra. "Can I ask why you're here? I'm on a time schedule and I need to hurry." She said. "Please don't stop us from going on our way."
Ryuuichi scowled and readied to bring her bow out when she needed. "Sure. Just hand over three million yen, that's how much I payed for him." She said.
Ryuuichi scowled heavily and dropped the end of the broken chain, jumping back and drawing her bow, aiming to shoot at Nnoitra and letting an arrow go.
Ryuuichi felt multiple cracks and she went flying, slamming into the sand dune and grunting in pain, pushing herself to her feet and holding her side. She looked up and drew her bow again, aiming another arrow at him. She was not about ready to let three million yen get taken away from her.
Ryuuichi felt searing pain as a hollow pop-crunch of the sound of her arm breaking and popping out of it's socket at the same time, making her arrow fly off corse and nearly hit Tesla, slamming into the sand with a pained cry. She slowly sat up, holding her shoulder and grinding her teeth. She stood again, staggering back a step from Nnoitra, glaring. She couldn't draw her bow anymore, her arm hurt too much to use. She spat a bit of blood and spit into the sand, taking in a ragged breath.
"Would you like me to end your life?" "Nnoitra-sama, wait. Leave her...she's a prideful woman...let her die alone in the sand...the next town is a two day walk...she'd die before aid came..." Tesla said. Nnoitra smirked, "Good idea...let's go." "Hai." Tesla nodded and followed Nnoitra
Ryuuichi scowled, biting her lip hard and falling to her knees, watching them leave. Shecursed loudly once she was alone, blood trickling from the gash on her forehead she got for hitting a rock in the sand. She limped over to her pack, picking it up with her good hand and limping slowly towards town, holding her ribs.

((Shall we bring in the Hooman~?))
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