The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Bye Maya! I'll see you tomorrow..!" "Bye Kairi!" Kairi waved to her friend as she left the small clinic they kept running, sweeping the floors. She usually liked to catch the last few stragglers that came in before the bar fights started, taking the night shift meant it might be slow, or busy, it varied. They were a little out of the way in a small town off in the west, which was typically a quiet town. She put the broom away in the closet and went to check if anything else needed cleaning, stopping when she heard the bell at the front door ring, signaling that someone had entered. "Ohayo~! Please take a seat and I'll be with you in a moment..!" She said, throwing some trash away before heading to the front of the clinic.
Kairi came out from the back and looked from Tesla to Nnoitra, noticing Tesla's hand she gasped. "Oh..! Please come this way..!" She said, motioning for Tesla to follow her. She had short, cropped dark brown hair that came down to her chin, on the left side of her face, a braid hung down to her collar bone. Her purple eyes looked concerned as she opened a cabinet, pulling out different things and setting them on a tray. "Please sit there." She said, pointing to a chair. "May I ask how your hand got this way?" She asked as she got some rubbing alcohol.
Kairi moved over and gently took his hand, careful not to touch the wound. She frowned. "I may have to cut off the glove to get a better look at it... It's pretty torn up..." She said, grabbing some scissors and sterilizing them and soaking some cotton balls in rubbing alcohol before moving back to him. "May I?" She asked, looking up at him, really looking at his face. She blushed softly, looking back down at his hand quickly.
She nodded and carefully cut the glove off of his hand, dropping it onto the table and inspecting the mess of flesh and blood. She frowned, picking up the cotton balls after putting on rubber gloves, gently wiping away blood from around the wound then gently sponging away any sand, dirt or blood. "It's a little too messy to sew... But maybe I can speed up the process a bit." She smiled meekly up at him and held a hand over his, a faint green glow appearing over his hand. She seemed to be concentrating, frowning softly as the skin slowly started to heal. After a couple of minutes, she stopped, letting out a breath and moved back to the table and picked up a needle and some thread like string, moving back to Tesla and starting to sew up the back of his hand, and once done with that, she sewed up the palm of his hand, then wrapped it in gauze. "Alrighty..!" She said. "That's about it, if the stitches come out or it you open the wound again, just come back and I'll take care of it." She said. "But I'd like for you to come back and let me do a check up, it did have quite a bit of damage and it fractured a bone in your hand. Just take it easy okay? And try not oh use your hand too much for a couple days." She instructed as she walked him back to the front. "So how are you planning to pay?" She asked. She always did hate this part of the job. If it were up to her, she wouldn't charge people, but the clinic needed money to keep up shop and buy supplies. That and it absolutely terrified her when people got angry.
"We ain't payin'. Let's go, Tesla." Noitra hissed and walked out. Tesla made a face and gave her two hundred yen he pocketed from Ryuuichi, "Keep the change..." "Tesla!!" "Hai!" Tesla ran out quickly
Kairi went pale as soon as the taller man hissed at her, nodding weakly and smiling. "O-Of course..!" She blinked when Tesla put two hundred yen on the desk and she looked up, watching him leave with pink cheeks slowly taking the money and putting it away in the lock box under the desk. "Arigatou.." She murmured softly, sitting down in the chair, waiting for another patient in the silence.
((Yes ma'am~))

A few days later, and after hours after hours of stumbling, Ryuuichi had stumbled into town, beat up and brusied. She had run out of water a day ago, and food two days ago. She made her way down an alley, making it to a door and falling against the wall with a grunt. She slid to the ground and held her ribs, panting softly. She rapped her knuckles weakly on the metal door, leaning her head against the wall. "Hey... Ryuumaru... You still guarding the door...?"
"Ha.." Ryuuichi winced, not even bothering to try and stand. "Yeah... It's me... I'm down here... I may need some help, and a medic..." She said, arm throbbing with a dull pain were it had broken cleanly in two different places, not to mention her broken ribs- no doubtedly bruised beyond all hell- and a gash on her forehead were blood had trickled over her eye and dried. She might've even gotten a concussion and was dehydrated.
Ryuumaru opened the door and looked out, spotting her and picking her up gently before bringing her inside. "Bunko-dana!" He called. A woman with bronze colored hair came out of her office and gasped, "Ichi...! What happened...!?" She asked, moving over quickly
"Just a little schoolyard scuffle." Ryuuichi said, grinning through the pain. "Think you can patch me up?" She asked.
"Of course I can...! Ryuumaru, bring her inside my office." Bunko said and Ryuumaru took Ryuuichi into her office, laying her on the cot as Bunko went to healing
Ryuuichi winced from time to time as her broken bones slowly started to mend, as for her shoulder, it simply had to be reset in the socket. "So how's the guild?"
Ryuuichi sucked in a breath and let it out with a pained noise when she popped her arm back into place, growling lowly in pain and sitting up, rubbing her arm gingerly. "Arigatou, Bunko-san."
"You have any food or water? I haven't had anything for days." Ryuuichi said, stomach growling.
Ryuuichi smirked. "You're the best, Bunko-san." She said, rubbing away some of the dried blood from her face.
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