The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Ryuuichi then frowned. "Well, not only did I have the shit beaten out of me, I lost three million." She muttered.
"I think he was an Espada, I kinda purchased an Arrancar at a bidding and apparently his master didn't like that. Nnoitra was what the kid called him."
"Ha... I don't feel lucky..." She then remembered how Tesla had saved her life by convincing his master not to finish her off. "Stupid kid saved me... Why I have no idea, we weren't buddy-buddy or anything... In fact he probably would've liked to have blasted my head off with a cero."
"So you knew him?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

((Now for my second plan~))

Back at the small clinic, Kairi sat at the desk, chewing on the tip of a pen as she balanced the check book. They still had repairs to be done and much more supplies to buy, but they were already extremely low on money. She sighed softly, looking up when a slightly muscular boy, a bit older looking than Kairi came out from the back, wearing wrappings over his entire body, all the way over his nose. "Kohaku, no." She frowned and stood up. "You said we wouldn't do that anymore." "We're too low on funds, I have no choice, and we aren't doing anything. I am." He said, pulling a sack over his shoulder and fixing his martial artist shoes. "I don't want to have to rob anymore! I don't care if they're from bad people or not, you still get hurt and it worries me!" She protested, frowning. He hesitated. "Two new people rolled into town the other day and I'm going to follow them, they haven't left yet. Plus, wasn't that larger guy an asshole to you?" "So? You know we can't fight them..! Not even you! They're way out of your league!" She said, but he was already heading to the door. "Kohaku!" "Enough! I've made up my mind..!" He snapped back. "I'm gonna be fine, tell the others to not worry, I'll be back soon." He said, then left, leaving Kairi in the silence alone.
"I ran into them a few times..." Bunko said softly, moving to her desk

Tesla drank his water as he listened to Nnoitra scarf down food
"What happened?" Ryuuichi asked, watching her.

Kohaku made his way across the sand, sticking to the shadows and moving only when he saw no one was watching. He couldn't be seen by anyone. After a couple minutes of walking he spotted the two. They sat near the edge of town, out a way sitting on a broken building. He clenched his fists and set his pack down, pulling out a few bombs, glancing around the area to look for different places to hide or use as a shield.
"I would have to strip naked for you, Ichi, and you haven't sent me a single rose or chocolate~" Bunko smiled

Tesla sighed softly, waiting for when it would be acceptable for him to eat
Ryuuichi made a noise and looked away. "I could say the same for you, Bunko-san." She said, though it sounded a bit more playful.

Suddenly something landed in the sand beside Tesla, making a soft beep before a blinding flash of light exploded around him, another one rolling towards Nnoitra, but this one was different, it started to beep a few times before a huge explosion went off in a large fiery ball. Kohaku dashed out from behind the stone slab after the bombs had gone off, goggles on to protect his eyes from the debris. It was time to get to work.
"Mm, I guess I have to buy you some roses now, huh?" Ryuuichi said.

Kohaku made his way through the smoke expertly, eyes narrowed as he looked for anything of value. If he could, he tried to avoid strife, but sometimes it was inevitable. He scowled as he jumped up onto a piece of rubble. Nothing. They had nothing with them. Except for the later male. He had a sword that looked like it would be worth something. He jumped back down to the ground and silently made his way towards Nnoitra. He needed to hurry before the smoke cleared.
"Then it's settled, you'll show me that great body of yours and I'll buy you some flowers." Ryuuichi said.

Kohaku scowled, moving around Nnoitra and turning towards him again. He'd have to attack. He charged at him as fast as he could, jumping into the air and aiming a powerful kick at his head, scowling softly.
Bunko made a noise and smiled, "Oh, alright~" Bunko turned and removed her top slowly, revealing a huge scar all the way down her back, "He tried servering my spine...and then..." Removing her side skirt, shorts and tights, showing a deep scar on her outer thigh where her side skirt would usually cover, "This is when he tried to break my leg."

Nnoitra raised his hand, catching his foot. "A kid?" He scowled, "Pathetic." He tossed Kohaku like a rag doll across the sand
Ryuuichi scowled and stood, moving over and looking at the scar on his back, letting her fingers ghost over it gently.

Kohaku hit the sand with a grunt but bounced up into his feet, flicking this arm forward a thick metal cord shot out and wrapped around Nnoitra's forearm, using the man as an anchor as he yanked himself back towards him, a knife drawn. He landed against Nnoitra's chest, actually crouching on his chest as he rose the knife back and drove it down, going to slam it through his eye.
Ryuuichi pulled her hand away. "Gomenasai." She said softly.

Kohaku jumped back, scowling more, a small flutter of panic rushing through him. By this time the smoke had cleared and he was faced with two men obviously much more powerful. He had no choice. He glanced to Tesla first, he needed to get rid of one of them first. He charged Tesla, making a move like he was going to go for a low slash, then he planted his hands firmly on the ground, kicking at him with both feet aimed for his face.
"No, its ok." Bunko smiled and redressed, "I'll go check on your dinner. Wait here." She said and left

Tesla ducked and brought the blunt end of his zanpakutou to the back of Kohaku's leg
Ryuuichi sat back down on the bed and let out a soft sigh, arm still throbbing dully.

Kohaku grit his teeth in pain and flipped away, trying to catch Tesla in the chin with his heel. Once back on his feet his leg throbbed, feeling weak. He reached into the smaller pack he had attached to his back and pulled out two bombs, ones bigger than the last two.
"Kohaku!" Kairi had started heading towards the fight once she heard the explosions. Her purple eyes were wide as she watched the young man fight to the death with Tesla, to immersed in the battle to hear her. Kohaku, moved to drive the life through Tesla's stomach, panting heavily. Kairi stood frozen, legs refusing to work, things seeming to move to fast to register.
Kohaku was hit with the cero and he slammed into a broken stone slab, hacking up blood. Once the yellow reiatsu cleared, Kohaku laid in the sand unmoving. "No.." Kairi dashed to his side and gently turned him over. He was covered in horrible burns, in some spots his skin was charred black. She went to work with shaky hands, trying to administer him first aid. His breathing was ragged and blood trickled from his mouth, he looked horrible, like he had been hit with a flaming freight train.
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