The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Kairi looked up at the two, still healing Kohaku to the best of her abilities. His face was pained and he strained to breathe. "Please." She begged. "He's had enough, please just leave him alone..!" She pleaded.
Kairi looked terrified, color had drained from her face and she shook slightly. She fell silent when Tesla moved in front of her and she blinked in surprise.
"Onegai, he's only doing this to pay for supplies at the clinic, he isn't a bad person, please just leave and we won't say anything..!" She said, trying to reason with him.
Kairi looked beyond shocked and grateful, Kohaku making a soft groaning noise. "Kohaku..!" She smiled weakly. "Don't move you're gonna be okay..!" She said.
"H-Hai..!" Kairi sat Kohaku up the best the could, putting his arm over her shoulder and hauling him up with a soft grunt, hurrying away from the two.
"You let her go?!" "He needed aid...!" "He attacked us!" "They have no money...!" "You've gone soft!" Nnoitra hissed and Tesla faultered
Kairi finally reached the clinic and struggled to get Kohaku on a metal table, and once there she continued to heal him, cutting off the bandages and examining him carefully with a frown. He had some pretty bad burns.
Kairi looked over from Kohaku and have him a worried look. "I'll be there in a moment." She said and after hooking Kohaku up to an I.V and breathing machine for his collapsed lung, she moved over to the cabinet, gathering materials to patch up Tesla. "Arigatou." She said, bowing lowly to him, still trembling slightly.
Kairi stood and gave a hesitant nod. Was she wrong to trust him? He did save her life, and Kohaku's. She led him back to Kohaku, who lay still except for the slow rise and fall of his chest.
Kairi watched Tesla, who looked a bit roughed up as well. "What made you do it..?" She asked quietly, honestly confused.
"Protect us... I know he attacked you first, that's how it always happens, but he's just trying to help... I don't think he wants to hurt anyone either... But what else was he supposed to do..?" She said softly, shaking her head. "Sorry."
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