The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Kairi stood off to the side, watching Tesla heal Kohaku, the wind outside picking up.
"Will he be okay?" She asked. "I haven't seen burns this bad even in horrible fires." She said.
She nodded, then looked to his hand, which looked like it was healing nicely. "Is your hand bothering you?"
"Oh..! Well I have some ointment that'll help with that..!" She said, pulling out a smile, trying to lighten the mood and distract herself. No use in moping around. "Give me a moment." She said and hurried off.
Kairi came back and unscrewed a small jar, dipping her finger in the light green gel and holding her hand out. "May I see your hand, please?" She asked.
Kairi took his hand and gently dabbed on the ointment, turning his hand over to dabbing it on the other side. "That should make sure there's no risk at all of infection and it should stop the itching." She said.
"It's no problem, Tesla-chan." She said, closing the small jar. "Your master... He won't get as and come looking for you, will he...?" She asked, looking up at him.
Kairi made a face. "I'm sorry..." She said. "Was it because you stopped him from.." She trailed off, glancing at Kohaku.
"... Do you have anyplace to stay?" She asked, feeling like this was partly her fault. "We have some cots you can sleep in if you'd like?"

Vee had been sleeping on the floor next to Kasumi, breathing lightly. She stirred and opened her eyes and sitting up. "Urahara-san..? What is it?" She asked. "Is Kasumi-chan okay?"
"Hai..!" She smiled sweetly up at him. "As long as you don't mind a bit of noise, sometimes we get drunken brawl fights in the bar across the way and they always stumble in here to get patched up." She said. "And I'll be watching Kohaku's condition, if you get hungry we have a small kitchen there." She pointed to a door at the end of the hall. "And the bathroom is on the opposite side." She said, pointing in the exact opposite direction.

Vee let out a soft sigh. "Thank god..." She murmured, smiling.
Kairi nodded and moved back to Kohaku, applying some ointment to his burns.

Vee nodded and touched Kasumi's shoulder gently. "Kasumi-chan?" She said gently.
There were a couple rooms with doors open, elderly men and women in a couple, obviously sick or injured in one way or another. Over all it was a pretty clean place, but some of the lights flickered from time to time.

Vee smiled and took her hand. "Yeah... It's me." She smiled. "How are ya feelin'?"
Tesla made a noise and decided that he would fix the lights. He didn't know how, but he would find a way

"Like I was hit by a bus and then trampled by horses..." Kasumi rasped
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