The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

((Sorry! Dx))

After a few minutes, Vee returned and handed her the plate of food, smiling softly.

The mans eyes widened and he tried to pull his hand away. "H-Hey! Let go!" He said, voice panicked.
((Its ok!))

Kasumi thanked her and started eating again

"Show her the respect she deserves and maybe I'll think about it." Tesla stated
Vee laughed and sat down again. "You're cute when you eat." She said.

"Okay okay! I'm sorry! Just let go! You're gonna break my hand!" He said.
Vee covered her mouth, smiling more. "Hai~" She said, leaning forward and brushing some rice off her face.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay!?" He said quickly, trying to pull away after he heard a small crack in his hand, pain shooting through his arm. "T-Tesla-san... I think he understands.." Kairi said softly.
Vee giggled again, leaning forward and kissing her on the cheek. "Kawaii~"

"It's okay." She said, flashing him a small grateful smile before going back to work on the men, and after she finished and they paid and left, Kairi put the money in the lock box and looked to Tesla with a large grin. "Tesla-san...! That was amazing..! Arigatou..!" She said.
Kasumi set her plate aside and cupped Vee's face, kissing her gently, "You're the kawaii one.."

"It was no trouble really...humans are pathetic..." He said, "With the exception of you and your brother."
Vee kissed her back gently. "Not even..~" She said softly.

Kairi shook her head. "It's alright, I know we aren't the strongest, or the fastest, but we're trying." She looked over at the still unconscious Kohaku. "He's making sure I get some training, but I'm not really that great." She said, giving a weak smile. "That's why I stick with the clinic."
"So even...~" Kasumi said, "And, I was thinking, when I get better, if you would mind me calling upon your services~?"

"I will assist you as much as I can." Tesla said
"Not at all~ I've been missing your company~" She purred, running her fingers through Kasumi's hair.

Kairi blinked. "You... You'd do that for me? But why?" She asked.
Vee smirked and pulled her in for another kiss, closing her eyes.

"You don't have to, if you mean for your hand, that was paid off when you saved Kohaku, I'm truly grateful for that." Kairi said.
Vee made a soft noise, gently pulling Kasumi down onto her, holding her hips gently.

Kairi smiled nervously, shaking her hand. "Don't worry about it." She said. "Im just glad you stepped in between us..."
Vee made a face. "You weren't watching in on us, were you, Urahara-san~?"

"I will be truly grateful if you stayed." Kairi bowed to him.
"I find that very hard to believe..~" She said, sitting up so Kasumi was on her lap.

"Please, feel free to make yourself at home." She said, moving over to apply burn ointment on Kohaku.
Vee kissed Kasumi on the cheek. "Rest, we can leave whenever you're ready." She said.

Kohaku finally stirred opening his blackened eyelids and looking at Kairi. "Kai...ri...?" "Don't move, you're gonna be okay, you just have to rest." She said, not like he could really do much else, he could barely talk.
Vee sat by her side, making sure she was okay.

Kohaku's eye moved when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. "Who's-" His eyes widened. "What is he doing here?!" He cringed clenching his jaw in pain. "He helped us, please don't try and talk...!"
"How can I not..?" Vee asked, brushing her hair out of her face. "I love you."

"You should leave." He hissed out through clenched teeth. "Monsters like you shouldn't even be alive." "Kohaku!" "Get out you filthy rat." "Kohaku!" Kairi's jaw was set and her tone steely. "That's enough! This is my clinic and I'll say who stays and who goes! Tesla-san saved our lives and he can stay as long as he wishes, you're a patient right now. My patient in my clinic, you need rest and I'm requesting that you do as such."
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