The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Kasumi helped her gently, "Vee..." Her voice was gentle instead of serious like it usually was, "Don't be brave for me..."

Tesla scowled softly and looked away, "My name is Tesla."
Vee's eyes fell, studying her knees. ".... You don't happen to have any pain killers on you do ya?" She asked softly, giving her a sad smile.

Ryuuichi let go of the chain, standing and moving back over to her bag. She dug through it and pulled out a different canteen and a roll, moving back to Tesla and holding them out for him. "We'll head out when you're done." She said.
Kasumi nodded and reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out a bottle of high grade pain killers, " should about do it..." She said

Tesla drank the water and munched on the roll, scowling and kicking himself for giving in
Vee took the bottle and opened it, shaking a single white pill out and swallowing it. "Arigatou." She said.

Once Tesla had finished, Ryuuichi kicked sand over the fire until it was out, then she turned to Tesla. "Let's get going." She said.
Vee reached a hand out and held Kasumi's letting her sore body soak in the tub. "Daisuki desu." She said softly.

Ryuuichi started walking, leading Tesla towards the next town over, where a well known guild of Quincies were. They were about one third of the way there and had a while to go.
Vee leaned against the side of the tub, closing her eyes tiredly.

Ryuuichi looked back at Tesla. "It'll take use two whole days to get to the next town, so conserve your water." She said.
Vee slowly opened her eyes, standing up with a few winces before grabbing a towel. "I'll change my sheets and call it a night, care to join?" She asked.

Ryuuichi didn't really expect a response, continuing on her way through the sand.
"I can't stay long, but I'll keep you company..." Kasumi answered

Tesla grumbled softly, hating the chains. But he knew that she knew that if he was released, he would shoot her with a bala
Vee frowned. "Where are you going?" She frowned more. "Promise me you won't go after that man." She said.

Ryuuichi ignored Tesla's grumbling, scanning around to make sure no one was following them. "So Tesla, why not tell me a little about yourself? We have two whole days and I don't much like the silence."
Vee nodded and headed to her room where she wrapped a simple white kimono around herself and started to clean up her bed, tossing the soiled sheets into the hamper before getting new ones and making her bed, sitting on it and brushing her hair.

"Ryuuichi-sama." She said sternly. "Address me correctly. And I would prefer to know what your past is, but to be honest I don't honestly care." She said. "I just want something to pass the time."
Vee curled up and laid her head on the pillow, closing her eyes and breathing lightly. Son she fell asleep, exhausted from today's work.

Ryuuichi frowned softly, letting out a soft sigh and continuing on in silence, not probing any further.
Vee didn't wake up, sleeping soundly.

"I would take the chains off, but you'd only attack me." Ryuuichi said.
"It wasn't my fault you got caught- Speaking of which, aren't you Arrancar supposed to be really tough?" She asked. "Why not throw me a bone and tell me how you got caught?"

((So how's Kasumi gonna go at this~?))
((Rike dis!))

Kasumi made her way to a small town, gripping her sword as she looked around for her target. Walking around and asking if anyone had seen a human woman named Orihime, she bumped into someone, "Watch where you're going, bitch." A voice growled. Kasumi looked up and saw Nnoitra. Her eyes narrowed, "You." She hissed.

Tesla averted his gaze, "They found me half dead in the dessert. I was looking for my master as collapsed after going a week without food or water."
((Oh shiyt!))

Ryuuichi made a noise. "Your master, eh?" She asked, frowning softly. "I'm assuming it was a man, considering your attitude towards women."
"Get out of my wa-" Nnoitra was cut off be Kasumi punching him in the face, "That was for Vee, shithead." She hissed

"Hai. Very powerful." He answered
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