The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

((Haha! Time for my plan!))

Vee sat at her vanity, brushing her hair and placing clips in her hair. Since it was night time, the business became more busy, and she had to look nice for her customers. The bell on her wall rung softly, showing she had a customer. Her red eyes slid over to look at the bell and she set her brush down, standing up an heading to the door. It couldn't be Kasumi, since she gave the man at the front desk money to just let Kasumi let herself in. She opened the door and walked down the hall, pulling on a smile. "Ohayo~" She greeted. "This is Vee, she is our finest servicer, take as long as you need." He said. Vee studied her customer, he was a tall man, much taller than her, lanky and had a sour scowl on his face. "Right this way..~" Vee said and turned, walking down the hall.
Once inside the room, Vee closed the door and turned to the man. "So I'm guessing you've come here for my services, not information~?" She asked, putting her hands inside of her sleeves.

((So how shall Kasumi find Vee~?))
((She could be stopping by to visit~))

"I'm stressed, pissed off," Nnoitra grabbed her wrist roughly, "And I need something to take it all out on."

Vee gave a small wince, but pulled out another fake smile. "Well that's why I'm here..~ To ease any sexual tensions you may have~" She purred.
Vee stumbled and landed back on the bed, feeling Nnoitra's sudden weight on her small frame and cold air hit her chest made goosebumps crawl across her pale skin.
Tossing her clothes aside, Nnoitra started to disrobe himself, not even really caring. He tied Vee's hands roughly to the bed as he prepared to take her
Vee felt dread in the pit of her stomach for some reason, typically you weren't supposed to restrain the girls, holding her hands over her head was fine, even blind folding of gagging them. Yes they were prostitutes but the customers still had some rules they had to follow. "Hey, no restraining my hands, you may be a customer, but there are some rules." She said, meeting his eyes. She had to be honest, this one scared her. He looked like someone who could snap her in half with his pinkie.
"Shut up." Nnoitra hissed, "Or I'll gag you, too. You know what? Fuck it." He tied a piece of cloth over her mouth, not wanting her to sass him while he tried to calm down
Vee knew she couldn't do anything, her Zanpakutou had been tossed aside with her clothes and the emergency alarm to call for help- placed in each room in case the men came there to beat them, kill them, etc- was across the room. She turned her head slightly, looking away from his single eye, falling silent and not moving.
Vee made a noise of discomfort as pain shot through her, looking down at his strong hands that held her hips to tightly. There was no lubrication and he was to big for her, needless to say it hurt like hell.
She took in a jagged breath and clenched her jaw, tears forming at the corner of her eyes. He was moving to roughly and quickly for his size. Searing pain shot through her each time he moved and she was sure she was bleeding. She swallowed hard, trying to focus on something else, but she could only think of the pain; but she didn't dare cry. No tears, no noise. She didn't want him to hurt her any further than he already was.
After about an hour or so of continuous thrusting, Nnoitra finally finished, emptying his seed inside her. Removing himself and grabbing his things, he redressed and walked out, bumping into Kasumi on the way. She scowled and glared at his back, "Asshole." "Cunt." Nnoitra hissed. Kasumi rolled her eyes and moved to the desk, "Is Vee available right now?"
"Ah yes, Vee just opened up." He said. "Her customer just left." The man at the front desk said. Vee lay on the bed, twisting her wrists against the curtain cord he had used to tie her hands to the bed. The piece of fabric around her mouth was wet from her biting it in pain, and from her tears. She pulled herself up from laying down, wincing. There was a blood stain on the bed and blood on her inner thighs, her hips were bruised and wherever he had either grabbed or bitten, there were bruises as well.
Kasumi nodded to him and gave him a hundred yen tip as she made her way to Vee's room. Opening the door, her eyes widened in horror, "Oh, my God...! Vee!" She rushed over and removed the gag, "What happened...!?" She started to untie her and pulled her close when the rope was undone
"D-Daijoubu..!" She said, trembling softly from pain, not knowing if she was trying to convince Kasumi or herself. "I just need to get cleaned up..!"

((Somewhere far away in the desert~!))

Ryuuichi sat by the fire, drinking some water from a canteen. She had attached the chain to the belt of her uniform, glancing at Tesla to make sure he wasn't trying anything funny with the locks or just simply scheming. She hadn't talked to him after he refused to agree to her terms, and in turn, she simply didn't give him food or water in the blistering heat. Now that it was night time, it had cooled considerably, but it was still quite dry. "We'll be leaving soon." She said, closing her canteen and putting it back into her pack.
((Its cute how Ryuuichi thinks Tesla doesn't need water or food~))

Kasumi scowled, "It was that tall prick, wasn't it?"

Tesla only glared at the sand, not speaking to her
"I-It's fine, he requested my services and I obliged, he was just a little rough." Vee didn't know why she was trembling and it bothered her.

((Haha~ Well she's a Quincy~ And even if he didn't need water or food, he'd still get heat or sun stroke if he didn't have water~))

Ryuuichi's eye twitched. He was still ignoring her, and still pouting. She looked over her shoulder at him and stood up, moving over to him, standing over him. "What's your name?"
Vee got in the tub, rubbing herself clean. "Kasumi-chan, really, I'm okay." She said.

Ryuuichi's patience was becoming more and more thin the longer he didn't speak. "Alright," She crouched in front of him, grabbing his chin and making him look at her. "I have three options for you, and I'll let you choose. One: I can shoot your other eye out. Two: I can string you up somewhere out here and let your skin boil in the sun. Three: I can sell you off to someone much worse that'll either dismantle you for body parts or use you for your body." She said, not in a threatening way, but she was deadly serious.
Kasumi sat with her, "No, you're not, Vee. You're covered in bruises!" She stated

Tesla glared at her, "I'd rather be with Ichimaru."
"Bruises come with the job, Kasumi-chan." She said softly, washing the bruises gently.

"I don't know who that is and that isn't an option. If you mean the other man in that auction, he lost. He backed out first." She yanked the chain hard so she was very close to his face. "Cooperate and you'll be taken care of wonderfully, I might even take off these heavy chains, but if you don't, you'll be punished."
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