The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Better friends?" Nieve's eyes lit up. "You'd really do that for me?" She smiled and wrapped her arms around Szayel in a tight hug. "Arigatou!! Nieve gets so lonely!"
"I know you do, darling...go play with your new toy - carefully - and I'll make the arrangements to make you your friends." He told her, smiling softly
Nieve nodded and scurried away to her desk, setting the jar in the middle of her desk and watching the vocal cords like they'd do something spectacular at any moment.

Hours later Kairi opened her eyes, letting out a groggy noise. She stared up at the ceiling of the clinic, frowning and sitting up quickly, only to double over when her head spun. "Wh-What..?" She was in one of the cots in her own clinic.
Szayel smiled softly and looked through all the vials of DNA he had before finding the perfect pairs to make Nieve's friends

Tesla stood over Kohaku with a frown, "Gomenasai...Kohaku...I couldn't get free in time to stop him..."
Nieve lost interest in the jar and pushed it away, going through her books and setting down in her chair, chewing her nail and reading a slightly tattered hardback.

Kohaku was hunched over in bed, holding his throat, looking pale. He opened his mouth to speak , but only a gurgle came out. He scowled, eyes distraught. "Kohaku...?" Kairi was still a bit dizzy. "What's wrong with Kohaku...?" She croaked aloud.
Kairi's eyes widened and she stumbled out of bed, moving over to Kohaku, wincing every time she took a step. Kohaku constantly touched the stitches on his neck, trying to talk even though he knew he couldn't. "No..." She looked up at Tesla. "What happened? Wh-What happened? I...-" She looked down. "How... How did you find me...? Why..?"
"I followed your spiritual pressure. And we were going to save you but...Szayel-sama returned to the way he used to be. He sent me into a different dimension using a Caja Negation. And by the time I managed to get free...he had removed Kohaku's vocal chords...gomenasai...! I failed to protect the both of you!" Tesla clenched his fists tight, beating himself up
Kairi frowned and opened her mouth to speak, but Kohaku grabbed Tesla by the shirt, yanking him closer. He looked up at the Arrancar, grinding his teeth, then mouthing rather clearly: Train me.
Kohaku nodded and let go of Tesla, his eyes hard. Kairi teared up and she quickly wiped away her tears, the stitches running down her abdomen ached and she felt like she'd been eating cotton. Kohaku put a hand on Kairi's head, messing up her hair and giving her a lopsided smile.
Kairi shook her head and stood on wobbly legs, kissing Tesla softly. "It's my fault, I should've said something... I just.. I didn't wanna leave you.."
Kohaku pushed himself out of bed and rolled his eyes. 'Blah blah blah.' He mouthed, making Kairi snort. Even though he had been cracked open, almost had his organs stolen and his vocal cords ripped out, he was still his same self. He moved over to Kairi and pulled his shirt up to show his sister the long line of stitches that stretched all the way down from his chest to his stomach, pointing to it. Kairi knew what he meant. She wiped her eyes and inspected the stitches, shaking her head. "You shouldn't train yet, give it a few days so you can heal properly." Kohaku scowled, not liking what he heard, but Kairi shook her head. "No, you should rest, and for now, I guess I'll get you a pad and paper so you can talk." Kohaku huffed and sat down on the bed.
"Kairi's right, Kohaku...if you train before you fully heal, you could really hurt yourself..." Tesla told him, "I will train you, that much is certain. But we Arrancar are trained to reach our limits and surpass them until our bodies break. A normal human wouldn't be able to withstand such intense work-outs. But, I have faith in you. You're already very strong. Perhaps nearly as strong as a low level Hollow. We won't know until I work you to the bone, will we?" Tesla smirked softly, "I hope you're prepared."
Kohaku gave Tesla a grin, nodding slightly. Kairi went and retrieved a small notepad of paper and a pen, holding it out to Kohaku who took it and tried the pen in the top corner before scribbling something down and showing Kairi. "Just cuz you're immortal now doesn't mean that I'm not your big brother anymore." She rolled her eyes and shoved him lightly, cheeks pink with shame.
"Haha, you're so funny." Kohaku scribbled down, though he looked a little unsettled. "It'll probably go after you first, don't worry, I'll make sure I burry whatever is left of you." "Kohaku!" Kairi smacked him upside the head, making him wince.
Tesla chuckled, "If you did turn into a Hollow, however, I would rip your mask off myself." He said and turned, "I'm going to make sure we have enough supplies should any patients come in."
Kairi nodded and Kohaku balled up a piece of paper, throwing it at the Arrancars head. Kairi shot him a look and he stuck out his tongue. She rolled her eyes and headed to the back room, closing the door behind her and moving over to the mirror. She pulled her shirt off with a wince and examined the stitches that ran all the way past her belly button, disappearing under the scrubs she still wore.
Tesla made sure there was enough gauze and ointments stocked up for the Quincies that might come in. He sighed softly, still beating on himself for not rescuing Kairi.
((No, Tessie! ( ゚ Д゚)))

Kairi pulled on her own clothes, throwing away the scrubs and going to find Tesla. "Hey.." She stopped behind him, watching him take inventory. "How.. How are you?"
Kairi frowned. She was to blame for all of this, but she wasn't going to mope around. "Tesla, listen, I don't want you beating yourself up about what happened."
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