The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Kohaku's face flushed and he ground his teeth. "Fuck off." He hissed. "Nieve's bed is soft." She smiled. "Your assistant's pretty dull, I thought you Arrancar were supposed to be smart." He shot at him, trembling slightly.
Szayel took the scalpel and inched it closer to Kohaku's heart, "Last chance~ apologize to my daughter and I'll leave your heart alone~ Becaaaaause~ if I don't hear an apology~ I'll carve out your heart and give it to your sister as a Christmas gift~ and Tesla can keep what's left of you~"
Kohaku clenched his jaw, glancing at the scalpel that got closer and closer to his exposed heart. "Fine. I'm sorry." He muttered, wanting to kick Szayel in the face as well.
Kohaku's eyes widened. "I need all my organs you ass!" He struggled more, even though it was useless.
"Don't!" Kohaku watched Szayel, feeling a wave of nausea when he glimpsed his own innards. "Let me go! Don't touch me!" He snapped; Nieve readied a jar with a foul smelling liquid in it, standing off to the side of Szayel.
Kohaku's eyes widened and he clenched his fists. "Stop it!" Panic laced his voice and he went rigid. "Why is he loud? Nieve doesn't understand why he's so upset.."
"He wants to keep his kidney~ how cute~" Szayel smirked but stopped trying to remove the kidney, "But, fine~ he can keep it...I don't need it anyway. Let's take some samples and make him immortal, too..." He seemed unhappy, "We can take out his vocal chords when we put him to sleep."
Kohaku's eyes widened and he paled. "I said I didn't want immortality!" He hissed. "And I would enjoy if you'd leave all my body parts alone!"
"Quiet." Szayel said, tone heavy with annoyance. "I don't care if you don't want it. Your sister will cry and beg for me to do it so she doesn't have to watch you die and wah wah wah..." Szayel waved his hand and started taking samples, "Though, now that I think about it, we don't even need samples."
"I thought you were good, you helped Kairi, what's the deal?" He scowled, trying to snake his way out of at least having his vocal cords removed. He didn't want to become immortal either, but it didn't look like he had much choice anymore. And Tesla was still missing in action.
((Oh, Tessie'll be here soon~))

"I haven't had a somewhat willing test subject in a long time. I'm having fun." Szayel said, "Now, because I'm such a nice person, I'll let you choose: Immortality? Or your loss of speech?"

Kohaku let out an uneasy breath, clenching his fists. "Guess my vocal cords are going in that jar, huh?" He pulled a brave grin out of ass, though he was as pale as a sheet.
Szayel's wicked smirk returned, "I guess so~" He answered and turned to Nieve, "Sew him up and knock him out. We're going to rip his voice out of his throat~"
Kohaku closed his eyes and swallowed hard. "Hai." Nieve said and set the jar aside, quickly starting on sewing up Kohaku, then filling a needle and injecting Kohaku in the arm. He almost instantly feel woozy. His eyes drooped and finally closed, head falling to the side. Nieve moved over to Kohaku and fixed his head with a leather strap, so his head couldn't move. "The human is ready- oh, and so is the jar."
"Good girl." Szayel pet her head affectionately. Taking a new, clean scalpel, Szayel went to work removing Kohaku's vocal chords; opening up his throat and nearly literally ripping them out. Szayel hummed as he placed them into the jar and went to work stitching him up, "Easier than I thought..."
Nieve sealed the jar, watching Kohaku's vocal cords sink to the bottom of the jar before shaking it lightly and watching them float slowly to the bottom once more. "Can she keep these? They're fun to watch." Nieve said, smiling as she repeated the process.
"As long as you're careful with them." Szayel answered. He made a noise of curiosity when a black rift opened up. Tesla shot out, gripping his zanpakutou angrily, "Let. Them. Go." He demanded. Szayel smiled softly, "Of course, Tesla."
Nieve looked up from her jar and grinned, waving to Tesla happily. "Friends are done now..!" She moved to Kohaku and started to undo the straps, removing his I.V. "Visit again, okay?" She said, picking her jar up gingerly. "Nieve gets lonely."
Tesla scowled heavily, "We'll see, Nieve." He said and grabbed Kohaku and Kairi before leaving quickly. Szayel sighed softly and looked to Nieve, "Ne, Nieve," He moved over and smiled, "What if I made you better friends? Friends you could closer to than Tesla and the humans?"
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