The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Kohaku followed Tesla at a full gallop as well. "Where in the hell would she have gone? Do you think someone took her?" He called.

Kairi clenched her fists and nodded. "Yes, as long as you can do it..." She said. Nieve gently pushed Kairi down to lay flat. "Nieve is gonna put straps on so you don't move and hurt yourself." Nieve smiled as she secured thick leather straps to her wrists and ankles, securing one more over her breasts and another across her thighs. Kairi stared up at the ceiling, taking a big breath, worry in her eyes.
"No, I don't think so. There would have been a struggle." Tesla said. He frowned, "She left of her own free will."

"I can offer a small numbing agent so you won't feel me cut you open and poke around." Szayel offered.
Kohaku scowled. Where was Kairi and what was she thinking? Leaving without letting anyone know.

Kairi shook her head. "N-No, it's fine, whatever makes it easiest for you." She said quickly, though in truth, she wanted that numbing agent more than anything. Nieve hooked Kairi up to some machines, some she recognized and some she didn't.
Tesla willed his horse to move faster, wanting to get to Kairi before anything happened

The terror in Kairi's eyes sparked something inside Szayel. "Well, maybe a small dose would be fine." He said before injecting her with a powerful numbing serum that went to work rather quickly. Szayel washed up and looked to Nieve, "Ready, darling?"
Kohaku kicked hi horse hard, speeding up so he could keep up.

Kairi relaxed a bit and her eyes drooped, though terror still flickered in her eyes. "Hai!" Nieve smiled and moved onto Kairi's other side, waiting for instructions. Kairi's eyes watched Szayel, her mouth starting to feel full of cotton.
Nieve picked a scalpel up, holding it out to Szayel. Kairi watched the sharp knife pass over her, fists clenching beneath the straps.
Szayel took it and hummed as he started cutting Kairi open. He pulled open the skin and muscle, amber eyes widening in fascination, "My goodness...human organs...! Nieve,'s her liver...! And there...! You can barely see her lungs! See how they expand. And contract when she breathes?"
Nieve watched the organs with curious eyes. "They look weak and squishy." She said, nodding her head. "Like humans." She moved and retrieved two devices, clamping them on either side of Kairi's sides, keeping the flesh and muscle pulled aside so Szayel could work. Kairi was pale, she didn't feel much pain when he had cut her open, but she could slowly start to feel more and more. She felt when he peeled back the muscle keeping her organs in place, and she felt the clamps pulling her sides apart even more. The machine to her left showed her increased heart rate, panic flashing in her eyes.
"If I could harvest them and experiment, I would..." He said softly, a familiar psychotic flash in his eyes. He shook his head and focused. He cut small bits of tissue from her organs and moved to place them in sample jars, "Nieve, give her Chemical L. It'll keep her from dying while we leave her open so I can make this syrum." He ordered
"Hai." Nieve moved over to a table and picked a jar of clear liquid, drawing some into a needle and moving back over to Kairi, taking the arm that wasn't being used for her I.V's and injecting it into her bloodstream. She disposed of the needle and stood in wait, smiling softly. Kairi turned her head to watch Szayel. His disposition seemed different, the aura around him seemed darker. Nieve watched Kairi's innards, her lungs specifically. They ballooned, then deflated, it was almost hypnotic to watch for her.
"If I could show you her heart, Nieve, I would~" Szayel smirked darkly as he made the serum. He scowled when it failed and he moved to take more samples. Another failure. He growled in annoyance, "What the hell am I missing?"
"What does a human heart look like?" Nieve asked, watching Kairi. She had her jaw set and her fists clenched so tight her knuckles were white. "U-Um..." She spoke up, voice laced with pain. "I-I think the numbing agent is wearing off.." She said, trying not to lift her head and look at Szayel's work.
"Oh, here!" Szayel moved back over and injected her again, "There now~" He moved and grabbed the over hanging light, bringing it closer as he cut bit more up Kairi's chest, "Do you see that huge red pulsing muscle going berserk right there in the middle of her chest, darling~? That's her heart~"
"H-Hey... I thought you were just going to help... " It seemed to take Kairi's full attention to for a sentence, her head felt light and her vision blurred every now and again. Her heart rate picked up and she picked up her head, eyes widening at the sight of her own organs. She groaned and closed her eyes, dry heaving and making her exposed stomach convulse. Only a bit stomach bile rose in her throat, making her cough. "Wh-What are you doing to me..?" Nieve smiled. "It looks like something's trying to get out, is something trapped there, Otou-sama?"
"She's disgusted with her insides~ so she's trying to throw up~" He answered, "But my medicine won't let her~~" He moved the light and went back to the serum, "I think I figured out how to keep you from aging~" He practically trembled with excitement, "I have to cut you up just a bit more~ not too much~ but enough to get to your ovaries~ I need an egg~" He chuckled darkly, "Sadly, though, you won't be able to ever have children...~ but you'll be able to stay with Tesla forever~!"
Kairi hesitated, but finally nodded after she got her retching under control. Her face held sorrow and her eyes seemed sunken, this was a lot to give up for what she was asking for, but she needed to do this. "I'll do it." She said, though she still looked a sickly shade of green. Nieve wanted to touch the organs, maybe they were as squishy as they looked? She didn't know but she watched Kairi's heart beat, touching her own chest, but feeling nothing, she frowned.
"Wonderful~" Szayel moved back over and grabbed the scalpel, moving her intestines aside so he could get to Kairi's ovaries. He made a small incision and took a pair of tweezers, reaching in without a care and grabbing an egg, pulling it out and setting it aside before fixing everything up. "Nieve, darling, if you like~ you can poke her liver gently~ nothing will happen~" He said as he took the egg to his work station, "And when you're done, sew her back up~~"
Nieve extended her arm and touched the organ gently, blinking in surprise. "It's weird." She said, making a face, then removing the clamps from Kairi's sides and starting to see her up after putting the muscle and flesh back into place. Kairi trembled slightly, keeping her eyes on the ceiling and keeping them there. "Otou-san?" Nieve looked up, Kairi's chest was still open, showing her beating heart. "How come my chest doesn't have a heart?" She asked, frowning sadly.
Szayel stopped for a second before going back to work, "That's my DNA doesn't allow for any room in your body for a heart...your mother stole it away from me..." He looked back at her and smiled softly, "If you like, darling, I can give you one."
Nieve smiled brightly. "Really!?" She asked. "Nieve is going to get a heart!?" She asked excitedly. Kairi had her eyes closed, feeling like she was going to be sick again. "Is Nieve's friend gonna give us her heart?" Nieve asked curiously.
"Hai.." She seemed a little dissapointed, but she finished sewing up the large opening that started between her breasts and went down past her belly button. Kairi however seemed to be struggling to keep her eyes open, while the drug numbed her from the pain, it still made her feel heavy and limp.
"Sedate me... But why..?" Kairi asked groggily, looking Szayel; Nieve was already setting up a drip, readying the needle before sticking it expertly into Kairi's arm. "I though you were done...?"
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