The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"I said I'd try." Kohaku corrected, plopping down in a chair, but his smirk was playful, so he was kidding. Kairi smiled softly and relaxed her shoulders, at least Tesla and Kohaku were getting along for the most part.
Kairi shook her head. "I'm almost finished." She said, smiling softly. "Thank you though." She said.
Tesla nodded and jumped when the door flew open. "Tesla~!" Bunko chimed, "Where's Ichimaru?" She asked. Tesla gulped and lowered his gaze, "Gomenasai...I could not defeat him..." He said softly. Bunko frowned, "Aw, that's too bad." She didn't sound as sympathetic as she should have.
Kairi frowned softly, a heavy silence hung over all of them. She desperately wanted to say something, but she couldn't. Bunko had an aura around her that scared her.
"I'm sad to say that for failing in retrieving your target and not dying in your attempt to apprehend him...Ryuumaru must teach you a lesson." She stated. Tesla's eye widened, "Y-You didn't say anything about punishment when I asked for the job!!" "Oh~! My bad~! I'm so used to my guild already knowing the rules that I didn't feel the need to tell you~! Oh, well~!" Bunko waved her hand, smiling widely
Kohaku's eyes widened and Kairi stood. "Matte! That's not fair! You gave him an impossible task and knew he had little chances of making it back! You can't punish him! You deceived him!" She protested.
"Incorrect." Bunko raised her finger as-a-matter-of-factly, "Fraccion have the same power level as a Captain-class Shinigami. Tesla was more than a challenge for Ichimaru. Either Tesla hesitated...or he's gone soft." Tesla lowered his gaze before sucking it up, "I accept the punishment."
"Tesla no..!" Kairi looked to him with sad eyes, then she looked to Bunko. "Isn't there any other way?" She asked. Kohaku was death gripping the arms of his chair, a scowl on his face.
Kairi looked down to the floor in defeat, moving toward him and holding onto him tightly. "I'm so sorry..!" She said.
Tesla held her, "It's alright...relax." He told her. Bunko nudged her head, "Ikuzo, Tesla." "Hai." Tesla moved away from Kairi and followed Bunko out, where Ryuumaru was waiting
Kairi followed Tesla, Kohaku getting up stiffly and following Kairi to make sure she didn't do something she'd regret later.
Bunko bound Tesla and forced him to his knees. "Ready." She said and moved away. Ryuumaru slipped on his glove and summoned his bow, aiming at Tesla. The blond took a breath and showed no fear, accepting his punishment
Kairi must've looked like she was going to dash out in front of Tesla, because Kohaku grabbed her arm tightly, and to be honest, she was going to.
Ryuumaru let loose the arrow and it hit Tesla in the shoulder. He hissed and ground his teeth, eye narrowed in pain. Ryuumaru pulled back another arrow and let it fly, hitting Tesla in his previously injured shoulder. Tesla growled in pain but didn't fight back
"Stop it!" Kairi lunged forward, but Kohaku held her back with a frown. "Stop hurting him! Please!" She begged Ryuumaru. "Kairi... Stop.."
Kairi watched as arrow after arrow imposed Tesla and she choked back a sob, covering her mouth and looking away.
Ryuumaru stopped and the reishi arrows disappeared. Tesla slouched forward and spat up blood. Bunko bowed slightly to Kairi, "Forgive me for harming your lover. We will supply funds for you until he recovers."
Kohaku let go of Kairi and she shot forward, pulling out a knife and running past Bunko, dropping to her knees beside Tesla and cutting the ropes the bound his hands behind his back. "Tesla..!" She gathered him gently in her arms, careful to not touch his new wounds.
Kairi shook her head, brushing his hair away from his eyes. "It's okay, just relax okay?" She turned and looked to Kohaku. "Kohaku, get the stretcher!" She snapped and he hurried off, returning quickly with the stretcher. "Help me get him on." "Hai." Kohaku set the stretched beside Tesla and Kairi laid the Arrancar in the sand, standing and moving around to his feet, grabbing his ankles as Kohaku grabbed under his arms, apologizing as they lifted him up and set him on the stretcher.
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