The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Kohaku was lurking in the back corners of the clinic, not happy that Tesla had made it clear he was going to date his sister, but he didn't say anything else about it. Kairi was doing the taxes at the desk, counting out money and writing in a small book.
Kairi flinched and looked up quickly, putting the money away and locking it up, slipping it under the desk and standing. "Can I help you?" She asked. Kohaku scowled and watched Grimmjow from the back, leaning against the wall.
"Holy shit." Grimmjow strode over to Tesla and the blonde stood his ground, "Where there fuck is Nnoitra and why aren't you glued to his dick?" "Can we help you with any injuries, Grimmjow-sama?" Tesla asked calmly. Grimmjow scowled, "Is there a brat named Kujaku here?" "Kohaku?" Tesla corrected. Grimmjow made a noise, "Maybe. I don't know, but that little asshole needs to stay out of my territory when he's 'training'."
"I didn't realize you owned the whole desert." Kohaku scowled. "Kohaku, please don't start another fight in the clinic." She frowned and looked to Grimmjow. "He's sorry, he won't, uh, trespass again." "The hell I won't." He scowled.
Grimmjow took a step forward and Tesla stopped him with his push broom, giving him the 'Don't-Come-Closer' glare. Grimmjow glared at Kohaku, "That little area you like practicing those weak as shit sword slices in is my territory. You're lucky I didn't rip your twig body apart."
Kohaku's cheeks flushed pink lightly and he nearly shoved Tesla out of the way. "I'd love to see you try, you reek of sake, I can smell you from here. I bet you couldn't even swing a sword straight." He hissed, glaring death. "Kohaku, please-" "Why don't you get lost?"
Grimmjow went to grab Kohaku by the throat but Tesla grabbed his wrist, "Don't. Touch. Him." He hissed. Grimmjow glared at both of them, "Let's take this outside." He hissed at Kohaku
Kohaku pushed past, Tesla and shouldered his way past Grimmjow. "Let's go pussy cat. I wanna see you grow some nice ears and a tail..!" Kohaku said as he headed for the door. "Kohaku, stop..!" Kairi moved around the desk and rushed after Kohaku, a worried look in her eyes.
"Kohaku, you shouldn't do this, he's-" "I don't care. I know who he is." "Then why are you going to fight him?" "He came here, Kairi." He hissed. Kairi shrunk back. "Please.." "Move out of the way, Kairi." "Hai.." Kairi moved to stand beside Tesla, frowning worriedly. Kohaku drew his weapon, scowling.
Grimmjow unsheathed Pantera and released his zanpakutou, getting into a stance and growling. Tesla held Kairi's hand, "Don't worry...if anything goes too far, I'll intervene with Verruga."
Kairi nodded, not being able to speak. When Grimmjow released his sword, she felt like the air was sucked from her lungs and her knees buckled. It felt like cotton was in her mouth and she had to plant her feet firmly in the sand to keep from bolting. Kohaku however, didn't get the same reaction, his face nearly split in half with a large grin. "You look like a beautiful little pussy~"
Kohaku dodged and brought his sword down, slashing across his back as hard as he could before jumping out of the way.
The katana barely did anything against Grimmjow's hardened skin and he turned quickly, grabbing Kohaku's ankle and throwing him into the sand.
Kohaku slammed into the sand and rolled, bouncing to his feet and skidding to a stop before charging, his face scraped. "Kohaku.." Kairi had to stop herself from rushing to her brothers side. Kohaku pulled out three small spheres from his belt and threw them at Grimmjow, setting off a smoke bomb.
Tesla gripped the hilt of his zanpakutou, ready to stop the fight. Grimmjow flared his spiritual pressure, dispersing the smoke and he snarled, "That's the best you got, twig?"
Kohaku had pulled out a slightly larger sphere, pulling his hand back and then throwing it. It landed in the sand before Grimmjow and exploded on impact, Kohaku taking cover. Kairi covered her face as sand rained down on her, stinging her skin.
"Alright, that's enough." Tesla said. Grimmjow stood where the bomb had gone off, dusting sand off his arms and shoulders, "Really? If your shitty sword couldn't cut my skin, what makes you think a shitty bomb will?"
"Please stop!" Kairi ran to Kohaku, who glared at Grimmjow a few feet away. "Stop before this goes any further! You're gonna die!" "Shut up and move!" "No!" "Kairi I swear I'm going t-" Kairi pulled her fist back and smashed it into Kohaku's nose, knocking him on his ass. "You are so stupid!" She snapped. "You're too weak! You won't be able to beat anything out here! That's just the way it is, get over it and stop trying to fight everything!" She snapped.
Grimmjow sealed his zanpakutou and looked to Tesla, "Make sure he stays out of my territory." "Hai." Tesla bowed slightly and Grimmjow disappeared with a sonido. Tesla moved over to Kohaku and Kairi, listening to her rant.
Kohaku held his bleeding nose, scowling at the ground. Kairi let out a long breath. "Go. Go for a walk and don't come back until you've cooled off. Stay out of that mans territory and don't start any fights." "Whatever.." He said and got up, limping off.
Kairi sighed and turned to him. "Please? I'm really sorry." She said. "His mood has been worse and worse." She said.
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