The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Vee's eyes widened and the arrow slammed her against the wooden fence, pinning her by the shoulder, making her cry out in pain. She quickly reached for her zanpakutou in her sleeve, scowling through the pain.
She let out a scream of pain, arm dropping to her side as blood stained her kimono. She glared at the Quincy, grinding her teeth. "I don't believe we've met, so how have I pissed you off?"
"I'm only here to send a message to your girlfriend. She cheated me out of my money and I'm gonna get her back for it." He growled, drawing another arrow
Vee lowered her head, grinding her teeth. If this man was going take his anger out from Kasumi on her, so be it. She'd rather get hurt than Kasumi. Looking up with a defiant grin, she looked to the Quincy dead on. "Fine then, but I have one question. Since all you Quincies use bows and arrows, does that mean you're weak as all hell~?"
"Vee-chan!" The Quincy was thrown aside as Kasumi rushed to her side. She used a special item on the Steele Schneider and arrows that Bunko gave her and she pulled Vee close, "V...Vee-chan...?"
Vee swallowed hard, smiling weakly. "H-Hey... Sorry I was late for our date.. I got a little caught up." She said, wincing. Her arms were still pinned to the fence, blood dripping onto the sand.
Vee watched Kasumi, wincing as pain throbbed through her. "Kasumi-chan.." She watched Kasumi with concerned eyes.
Kasumi turned and gripped her sword, "So, you thought it a good idea to attack my girlfriend like a coward instead of fighting me like a man? People like you give Quincies a bad name. And now," She brandished her blade and the man swallowed hard, "I have to kill you." He instantly aimed an arrow and she charged forward, moving out of the way of the arrow and slashing her sword. He dodged, but barely, his arm getting slashed
Vee laid still, listening to the sounds of fighting to her right, blood staining the sand beneath her.
Kasumi rammed her elbow hard into his sternum before running her blade straight through him. Unsheathing her blade from his body, she swiped the blood off and stuck it in the sand before moving back to Vee, "V-Vee-chan...?"
((Like dhis! *pushes a button*))

After Tesla and Kairi returned and Tesla asserted his dominance to Kohaku, said Arrancar was cleaning around the clinic as they waited for patients
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