The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nieve returned with two different sets of clothing, setting one beside Tesla and the other beside Kairi. "Oh, thank you, Nieve-san." "Your clothes were dirty, so she got you new ones." Nieve said before scurrying away back to sit in a chair behind a small desk stacked with books of different sizes, colors, and languages. "Does she have a mother?"
Szayel stopped moving for a moment before returning to his work, "There was a female genetic code used to help create her, yes. A human...well...Shinigami..." "Shinigami?" Tesla repeated, "Where is she?" "Dead." Szayel answered, peeking back over his shoulder. Tesla's eye widened, "What...?" Szayel averted his gaze before returning to his work, "She was killed in the Winter War. After my death during the fight with Kurotsuchi Mayuri, I had a clone of me - this body - awaken and continue my work." Szayel glanced to Nieve, eyes holding faint sorrow, "Nieve is all I have left of the past...and of her mother..."
Kairi looked to Nieve, who was nibbling on the nail of her thumb and reading what appeared to be a Greek book. She looked back at Szayel. "Is that why she's like that..?" She asked, then winced. It was a rude question with a rude implication. Nieve didn't seem to hear any of the conversation, engrossed in her book.
"Why she's like what?" Szayel seemed a little infuriated by the question, "Why she's naive?" "Szayel-sama, she meant no disrespect whatsoever...!"
Kairi looked down quickly, shaking her head. "Gomenasai, I didn't mean it that way.." She apologized quickly.
Kairi kept her eyes on the ground, deciding it'd be much better for her health if she didn't say anything, but Szayel didn't sound like he was going to let it drop. She needed to choose her words carefully. "Well... She just seems.. Distant... She's really quiet." She said.
"She is a naive thing. She has been taught very little due to my busy research schedule. All she knows truly is that I am her father and I hold affection for her." Szayel moved over to Nieve and wrapped his arms around her, "She holds a love for reading, a gift from her I have her read so she can become more knowledgeable...and she helps me work around the lab so she may better learn science..."
Nieve nestled against his arm when he held her, not taking her eyes away from her book. "Otou-sama, are Nieve's friends staying this time?" She asked, looking up from her book. "Last time her friends didn't want to stay." She said sadly. Kairi swallowed, glancing at Tesla nervously and shifting uneasily.
Szayel frowned softly and held her tighter, "No, darling, I don't think they can..." "Well..." Tesla voiced nervously, "We could...stay a bit longer..."
Nieve's eyes grew sad and she nodded. "Okay, Nieve would like that." She said, dog-earing the page she was on and setting her book on the large stack of books in front of her. Kairi was silent, deciding it would be better if she remained silent.
Tesla placed his hand over Kairi's, "Don't worry...Szayel-sama isn't as bad as you think..." He said softly. Szayel pet Nieve's head, "Why don't you go make some food, darling? I'm sure they'll love it."
Kairi nodded, looking up at him. "I trust you, but I don't trust him.." She said. "He doesn't seem.. Safe.." Nieve nodded in agreement. "I can make food." She said and stood, heading off towards the kitchen to make food.
Szayel watched Nieve leave before moving to Kairi to continue his tests, "I'll have you know, I'm the safest Espada you'll ever meet. The Collision changed all of us; we aren't what we used to be. I was a madman once...look at me now," He held a small pill out to her, "I'm helping a human who thinks poorly of me and my offspring...swallow that. It'll kill any viruses that will make you sick or have made you sick from sitting in the snow." "Szayel-sama, she meant no ill will..." Tesla frowned. Szayel snorted, "She may not have meant anything ill towards Nieve, but she speaks poorly of me...especially when she thinks I cannot hear her."
Kairi flushed in shame, taking the pill and murmuring a thank you. She was being rude, and here he was helping her. "I'm sorry, I'm being extremely rude, please forgive me." She said, bowing her head. "And you're very generous helping me and Tesla." She said.
Szayel made a noise, "I only help you because you are close to Tesla. He used to hate women, you know...thanks to Nnoitra..." He said. Tesla averted his eye in shame and Szayel made a noise, "I meant it when I said the Collision changed us...he wouldn't have even passed you a second glance if he had met you before."
Kairi held Tesla's hand reassuringly. "I understand." She said, looking at the clean clothes next to her. "I'll have to thank Nieve-san again for the clothes."
Kairi picked up her clothes and looked around. "Is there anywhere that is more private." She felt bad asking, but she didn't want to change in front of Szayel.
Kairi nodded and headed down the hall and into the bedroom on the right, and by the looks of it, the room belonged to Nieve. Books were stacked everywhere in neat piles, some reaching to the ceiling. There must've been a couple hundred books in there. She changed quickly, the smell of food cooking further down the hall made her stomach growl.

((I fixed it. (=^・ω・^=)))
Nieve came back down the hall pushing a large cart filled wing different foods. Greek, Italian, Japanese, Mongolian, etc. Kairi followed just after Nieve in her new clothes. "I have made the human food." She said, smiling happily.
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