The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

The soft sound of crunching ice started out faintly from behind Tesla, approaching steadily. Kairi didn't wake up, her breathing slow and steady. A young woman with long pink hair walked beside a slender man who had similar pink hair.
Tesla tensed in alarm, being unable to turn and see who was coming. The slender male walking with the girl sighed heavily, "Are you absolutely positive you know where we're going? The snow has obscured the way."
There was silence before a slightly nervous answer came from the smaller female companion. "Gomenasai, Szayel-sama, but I think we're lost." She apologized profusely, bowing deeply to him, then she spotted Tesla and Kairi ahead. Blinking at the odd sight of the two sitting in the middle of the snow, enjoying a fire, or at least that's what it looked like to her. "Szayel-sama." She pointed.
Szayel looked over and his eyes widened, "Menos, is that...?" He suddenly wadded quickly through the snow, "Tesla!" Tesla looked over and looked shocked, "S...Szayel-sama!"
"You know him?" Nieve blinked her large green doll-like eyes, following Szayel through the snow. She looked down at Tesla and Kairi.
"I thought everyone else was dead, this is wonderful!" Szayel smiled from ear to ear, "You have to come back to the lab so I can preform an invasive physical analysis on you!" "S-Szayel-sama, I can't..." Tesla said, "And be quiet, Kairi is sleeping." "Kairi?" Szayel looked down at the sleeping girl and gasped, "A HUMAN!!!" He was ecstatic.
((Oh gods.))

Kairi only twitched. "She looks ill." Nieve noted, pulling her white scarf over her nose to hide it from the cold. "And you're bleeding.. This place reeks of blood." She murmured.
Kairi was jarred from her sleep when Tesla shifted, opening her eyes slowly she looked around, blinking when she saw the two new people who stood before them. "Tesla...? Who are they..?" She sat up slowly, snowflakes stuck to her hair. "The small one looks malnourished." Nieve noted quietly behind her scarf.

"This is Szayel-sama...and his assistant, Nieve..." Tesla answered, "They're going to help us..."
((Huehuehue~ Right~? •v•))

Nieve raised her hand slightly, giving a small wave when Tesla acknowledged her. "Szayel-sama, shall we get moving...? We don't want another storm to hit." "Oh.." Kairi said, feeling sluggish and so cold her skin hurt.
Kairi tried to protest, saying she could walk fine, but she couldn't even feel her feet, and even if Szayel did believe her, she doubted he'd put her down. Nieve stared at Tesla as he struggled, not moving to help him- but since she wasn't instructed to, why would she?

Nieve moved over to Tesla anyway, taking his arm and putting it over her shoulders, turning to Szayel and walking with Tesla and Szayel back to his lab.
Nieve only nodded, her breath coming out from behind her scarf-mask in small puffs. Kairi's face flushed a bit. "Well... N-No... Not really."
"Shame on you! Nieve makes very good human food. She will make you some and you will eat it all before I preform invasive tests." Szayel said
"But I'm not sick." She protested, a feeling of dread and something else making her uncomfortable. "Human food is fun to make... But it doesn't last long." Nieve nodded. "You will eat some to." She told Tesla. "It helps with the healing process."

Tesla nodded, "I won't argue, Nieve..." He said. Szayel smiled, but there was no sincerity to it; there was a cruel and demented feel to his smile, "You needn't worry~ it won't hurt at all~"

Something in her mind told her that this man was a raving lunatic and that she should leave right away. "A-Actually, I know just where we are..!" She said, trying to muster a convincing smile. "I think we'll be okay now." Nieve nodded, happy she had someone else she could make food for.
"Oh, nonsense! You have no idea where you are and I know it~!" Szayel smiled, "You get free food and I get information on a human! Its a win-win~"
Kairi looked to Tesla for help, not that he could do much in his state though. "I really don't want to." She said, trying to make her voice sound steely. "Please put me down."
Kairi frowned softly, still wanting him to put her down. "What kind of test?" She asked skeptically.
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