The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Hai, thank you." Kairi said quietly and moved to sit at the bar, asking for some water.
Kairi put her head in her hands, frowning heavily. Why did Kohaku have to come home early and ruin her time with Tesla. She blushed the more she thought about it and hurried her quickly reddening face in her hands.
Kairi nodded and stood up, moving to Bunko's office and knocking before entering. "Bunko-san?" She asked.
Bunko blinked and frowned softly, "No, sweetheart, he's not...he came in asking for work and I sent him off so he could get money for you and your brother..."
Kairi frowned more, her lower lip quivering once. "Where did he go?" She asked, urgency lacing her voice.
Bunko made a noise, "I sent him to go take care of Ichimaru Gin. A lot of people are unhappy with him and want him dead. And, as Quincies, how can we deny killing a Shinigami?"
Kairi paled and she nearly stumbled. "Where?" She asked. "Where is Ichimaru?" She asked lowly.
"Bunko-san," Kairi bowed deeply. "Please watch my clinic while I travel." She needed to find Tesla, a sinking feeling in her gut told her something horrible had happened. "Please!"
"Arigatou..!" Kairi said, straightening up and turning, hurrying out the door to go and pack provisions. Now all she had to do was wait for Kohaku to leave for training. She headed to the clinic and hurried to her room, no sign of Kohaku. She quickly threw some things together, mostly medical supplies. "Where are you going?" Kairi winced, he had been waiting for her. "I'm leaving for a few days." She said, closing up her pack and slinging it onto her back. "Why?" Kohaku stood in the doorway with a scowl , arms crossed. "Because- No..! It's none of your business!" "It is my business!" He snapped back. "You're going to see that monster, aren't you!?" "He isn't a monster! He's a good person!"

After almost ten minutes of arguing, Kohaku gave up. "Fine, go, I don't give a shit." He hissed, storming out. Kairi pulled on a cloak quickly and jogged to the horses, not wanting to give Kohaku anytime to change his mind. She mounted a horse and quickly set off for the next town over.
Tesla laid in a bloody muck of sand, his breathing raspy and weak. the only thing that kept him even remotely alive was the thought of Kairi and how upset she would be if he stopped existing.
Kairi rode for around an hour or more before she spotted something on the desert floor in the distance. Kicking her horse to go faster she quickly approached and once she got within yelling distance, her eyes widened in horror. "Tesla!!" She jumped from her horse and stumbled, running to his side and dropping to her knees next to him. "Tesla... O-Oh gods no!" She set her bag down and quickly opened it, spreading out a small cloth and setting her tools on it. "Tesla, can you still hear me?"
Kairi bit her lip hard, carefully cutting Tesla's shirt from his body. "Just stay awake." She said, voice quivering. She quickly went to work wiping away most of the blood- gods there was so much blood. Her hands trembled as she started to sew up the wounds, but others were too deep and the blood wouldn't stop. Panic started to rise in her chest, eyes wide as she worked. "You've lost too much blood... I-I don't..." Tears welled up in her eyes as she went to first aid healing.
Tesla watched her, his eye dull as he vaguely clung to his existence, "I...I'm sorry...about Kohaku...catching us....and being angry.....with you...."
Kairi shook her head and wiped the tears away, smearing some blood on her cheek. "Don't talk, j-just stay awake, okay? You're gonna be okay..!" She said, hands covered in Tesla's blood, the bleeding slowly stopping. She grabbed a needle and thread sewing up the one than bled the most, putting gauze on his stomach and putting light pressure on him and glancing no her bag where she had her flask of water. She grabbed the flask and unscrewed it tipping Tesla's head back and trickling some water into his mouth.
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