The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Mao sat with her sword across her lap, legs crossed and eyes closed, breathing slowly as she focused, sitting in the middle of her bed.
A flicker of fire came from the sheathed blade and Mao slowly opened her eyes, frowning and standing up, opening her door and going to find Gin, which wasn't all that hard any more. She knocked on the door to his study, peering in, hands no longer wrapped. "She's still angry."
Mao held her zanpakutou gently, examining it; it appeared that her sword had welded itself closed in it's sheath, not wanting to be used. "It's not like I'd do it on purpose."
Gin chuckled but then scowled softly. His head moved towards the door, eyes opening slightly, "Do ya feel that, Mao-chan?" He asked, voice low and serious. Before she could even utter a word, a massive spiritual pressure made the air thick and heavy with malice
Mao spun around, scowling heavily. Perfect time for her zanpakutou to be throwing a fit. Stepping away from the door, she gripped her sword, silently wishing that her sword would forgive her faster.
The door pushed open and Tesla stood there, scowling heavily. Gin smirked, "Ohayo, Tesla~" "Ichimaru...gomen..." He unsheathed his zanpakuto and fired a Bala, knocking back Mao to get her out of the way
Mao was taken by surprise when Tesla opened the door and fired a shot of condensed spiritual pressure that hit her in the chest and knocked the air from her lungs, sending her into the wall with a hard thud. Her zanpakutou skid away from her and she fell unmoving to the ground, dazed.
Gin jumped up, smirking, "Come ta try an' take me out like everyone else~?" He asked. Tesla frowned, "Kairi and Kohaku need money..." "Aw~ its fer yer girlfriend~?" Gin asked. Tesla blushed faintly, "I guess she counts as my ex..." "Aw~~" Gin thrust Shinso forward and Tesla swung Verruga, knocking Gin's zanpakutou away
Mao finally gathered herself and slowly pulled herself into a sitting position, looking around for her sword, which was puffing smoke, angry that it had been dropped again.
"Well, I'm sorry, Tesla, but I can't let ya kill me~ I don't feel like dyin'~" Gin told him and knocked Tesla back and out of the window. Gin moved to the door, "Come, Mao-chan~ We best not keep our guest waitin'~"
Mao pushed herself to her feet and retrieved her sword and moving over to Gin, her chest still smoking and her shirt burnt. "Son of a bitch.." She muttered. "What did I ever do to the kid?"
"He just wanted ya out of the way~ other wise, he wouldda done more damage~" Gin smirked as he exited his home, moving over the Tesla; who struggled to get back to his feet
Mao rubbed her chest gingerly, frowning. She followed Gin outside, watching Tesla as he struggled to his feet.
Tesla ground his teeth and got to his feet, gripping his zanpakutou and charging forward. "Ikorose," Gin took his stance, "Shinso~" He stabbed his zanpakutou forward and it extended, stabbing Tesla in the shoulder and making the Arrancar stop. Gin pulled his zanpakutou back and did it again, and again and again until Tesla could no longer stand, the white of his coat stained red. Gin's smirk widened slightly and he looked to Mao, "Ne, call for a healer, would ya~?" He requested. But, Tesla struggled to push himself off and sonido away. Gin chuckled, "Ne'ermind~ com, let's git'cha healed up~"
Mao nodded and followed Gin, stopping and looking back to where Tesla had been, blood splattered on the sand. "I thought he was your friend?"
Gin chuckled and stepped inside, taking her to the bathroom to fix her up.

Tesla stopped and stumbled through the sand before falling forward, panting heavily. This seemed familiar to him; laying dying in the sand. He remembered when Nnoitra was "slain" and frowned, "Sh-Shimatta..." He muttered. An image of Kairi appeared in his mind and he closed his eye, "Gomenasai...Kairi...."
Around dinner, Kohaku had let Kairi out of the back room to get food, of course when he did open the door she knocked him on his ass and hurriedly ran to find Tesla, going to see Bunko. "Bunko-san?" She knocked on the door, pale with worry.
Ryuumaru opened the door and looked down at her, "Bunko-danna is having an important meeting. Unless its of dire import, I cannot allow you to disturb her."
"Oh... A-Alright, when she's done, I need to speak with her." She said, her skin itching. She needed to know now. "Sorry to interrupt."
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