The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"You deserved it, now let's get going." Mao said, turning her horse and heading out of the town.

((Tesla got mad~))
"Thank you, Tesla..." Kairi said lowly, letting go of her wrist and gripping something hidden in her sleeve for a moment before she turned and started to clean up. "Kohaku doesn't need to hear about this.." She said quietly, though she was still tense.
"Hai." He agreed and went back to what he was doing previously, "And please..." He glanced down at the floor, "...forget you ever saw that side of me."
Kairi hesitated before answering. "What side?" She said, not looking at him as she wiped down the counter, trembling slightly.
Kairi was pale, more pale than usual. It was just dawning on her than it wasn't Gin's murderous aura that almost crushed her flat against the floor, it was Tesla's. She had to grip her other hand to stop it from trembling as she cleaned.
Tesla finished stocking everything before moving to clean up the examination rooms. He rubbed his eye and sighed softly. Kairi didn't deserve to see him get that angry, that violent.
((He better not be thinking of leaving!))

Kairi took a deep breath and let it out, pulling on a brave face and finishing the last of her chores and after sweeping the floor, she looked around for anything else to be done, but it already had been done by Tesla.
"Um... Tesla..?" Kairi was standing in the doorway, scuffing her feet and poking her fingers together. "Don't beat yourself up to much, okay..?" She said softly.
"Earlier when those two people came in... I'm just glad that the clinic is in one piece and that you're not hurt." She said.
Kairi smiled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck. "Wanna grab some lunch?" She asked, blushing softly herself.
"No..! I'm okay... I guess, I was just surprised.. I had never seen you get that mad before... I am glad that you did that though... I wouldn't have been able to get them out of here myself." She said with a weak smile.
Kairi held out her hand and gave him a smile. "Let's get going, we can close up shop for a bit."
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