The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Kairi nodded and finished putting away the supplies before she started to make the beds. "That's good, I'm glad they're healing right, I was worried they wouldn't."
Tesla managed a small smile and looked when the door opened, "I told ya we'd find yer zanpakutou~" The silver haired Shinigami said teasingly as he entered the clinic with his companion
Kairi looked to the two people who just entered. "Can I help you two?" Niether of them seemed injured in the least bit. "Yes, but it isn't here..." Mao muttered to Gin.
Tesla looked and his eye widened, "Ichimaru!" "Oh, hi, Tesla~" Gin grinned and returned his attention to Mao, "Mao-chan, yer zanpakutou musta beat ya up good if ya don' remember its tied to yer horse~ show the nice healer your hand~" Gin roughly grabbed Mao's wrist and held out her hand, covered in burns.

((That's...what I wanted to do ^^; Should've explained better- IMSORRYDONTHATEME!!!))
((No I don't hate you~! It's okay~!))

Mao's cheeks flushed and she winced when he grabbed her wrist. Indeed her Zanpakutou had been extremely angry with her and gave her quite the beat down. She held her hands out to Kairi, shakily pulling her sleeves back to show her scorched arms, her palms had the worst of the burns. "Oh! Please come this way." Kairi motioned to the cot against the wall, getting fresh gauze from the cupboard as well as some ointment and a small tub for water. She filled the tub with cold water and set it on the table beside the bed Mao was sitting on. She gently took Mao's wrists and set her hands in the water, letting them soak for a moment. "Hm..." She looked at Mao's head where there was a bump on her forehead. "You might have a minor concussion..." She looked to Gin. "How did this happen..?"
Gin smirked, "She misplaced her zanpakutou when she was a slave~~ we went huntin' fer it~" Gin answered. Tesla looked shocked, "So...that zanpakutou..."
Kairi tensed. She didn't hear anything else but the words 'misplaced zanpakutou'. She stared at the burns on Mao's hands, her ears buzzing. Lost zanpakutou... Burns... Fire. No, this couldn't be right, it had to be a mistake. The thing that destroyed her home and nearly killed her, was this woman's sword?
Mao swallowed the lump in her throat. She had watched Kairi go pale, even clench her jaw. "Yes, I'm sorry, I wouldn't have wished this on either of you." She said quietly.
Kairi bit her lip hard and gently removed Mao's hands from the water, her own hands shaking now as she gently applied ointment and then started to wrap Mao's hands. When she was done, she stood back, then pointed to the door. "Get out." She said softly, a shadow over her eyes.
Kairi clenched her fists, flinching when Gin's threatening aura pressed against hers, but she held her ground. "Get. Out." She said again, this time it was hissed out through clenched teeth. Mao scowled and stood, gently rubbing her hands.
"Why don'cha make us leave?" Gin pushed Tesla's blade away, red eyes peeking out under his usually closed eyelids. Tesla scowled softly, "Ichimaru, leave. Or I will have no choice but to use force." "Kowai~" Gin said tauntingly, "Have ya really the nerve ta show ya true colors to your girlfriend~?" "Kairi is not my girlfriend! Now, leave!" Tesla snapped
Kairi clenched her fists so tight her knuckles turned white, her cheeks were red and she glared at Gin like she wanted to punch him. Mao frowned and looked to Gin, then Tesla. "Gin, maybe we should leave." She said.
"I wanna see what Tesla will do~" Gin smirked, inching closer to the blonde. Tesla ground his teeth and pulled his fist back, punching Gin hard in the face and sending him flying out of the building
Kairi looked like she wanted Tesla to punch Gin again and Mao looked like this happened daily. "I don't think you hit him hard enough, Tesla, hit him again." Kairi hissed, her face still flushed, she didn't remember the last time she was this mad. Mao looked to Tesla, moving in front of him. "Tesla was it? Please, I am very sorry, please stop."
Mao frowned more. "Please don't do this, Gin is.... Difficult, let's talk this out, please." She said, raising her hands to show she wasn't meaning harm. Kairi trembled, glaring down at the ground, her head buzzing and she couldn't think straight.
Mao clenched her jaw. She had no choice. Using shunpo to move out of the way and it to her horse where her zanpakutou was wrapped in many layers of cloth, Gin no where to be seen. She hoped that her sword wouldn't be too mad, but guessing from her swords tempered personality, she'd still be pissed. "Gin!" She called. "We need to go!" She called out, where ever he was.
Mao looked back at the clinic before quickly mounting her horse, who whinnied nervously. Kairi stood inside the clinic, gripping her wrist tightly, trembling and clenching her jaw.
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