The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)


Tesla weakly shook his head. He couldn't remember anything specific like that from when he was alive.

Kairi frowned and continued to sew up his wounds after checking them all. None of them were of major concern except for the one that had cut into an artery on his abdomen. After patching him up the best she could and taking care of the artery and bleeding, she set up an I.V, and since she didn't know his blood type, she couldn't give him blood, so she'd just have to wait. Tossing her gloves into the trash and washing her hands she moved back over to Tesla and covered him up with a blanket. "That's all I can do really, I could test your blood type, but I don't know if we have the equipment." She said. "I shouldn't have let you go alone."
Kairi frowned, wishing she could do more to help. "I set up some morphine, so hopefully you'll get to sleep a little easier." She said softly, setting a chair by the bed and sitting there with him.
Kairi nodded, eyes holding concern as she watched Tesla. "Do you want me to stay here with you?"
Kairi turned around in her chair, giving a sad smile. "He's really weak right now, I did all that I could, but he lost quite a bit of blood, and he doesn't know what blood type he is... He should pull through though.. I'm just glad he wasn't hurt anymore than he already is." She frowned. "But what I don't understand is why was he attacked? I-I wasn't there.. But it doesn't seem like Tesla to pick a fight.."
"Quincies here are very untrusting of Hollows and Arrancars." She answered sadly, "I did not think that any would dare attack him if he was seen with Ichi and Ryuumaru..."
Kairi made a sad face. "I thought he'd be okay... I-I mean he came here before and he was okay.. And I was just so excited to set up again.." She hadn't realized she had started to cry, tears blurring her vision.
Kairi wiped her tears away with her sleeves. "I-I know... But Tesla is so nice... I-I don't understand why anyone would want to hurt him so badly..!"
"Do you remember the old tales of the Winter War? And how the Arrancar aided Aizen in his attack against the Living World and Soul Society?" Bunko asked gently, "Tesla was a different man at that time...he wasn't who he is now."
"I-I've heard bits and pieces..." She said, looking down at the unconscious Arrancar before her. He looked peaceful as he rested, his face no longer twisted in pain. "But he saved me Bunko-san... He saved Kohaku and me... How could I ever see him any different... I know what he can do, but.." She shook her head. "He's a good person."
"Maybe now...but not then...I'm only saying this to explain hostility. So, when he's healed and your new home is set up, make sure he doesn't leave the house as least until I have everything settled." She said gently
Kairi nodded. "Thank you for all the help, Bunko-san." She said. "But Tesla's past is his own, and I don't believe that's what defines a person." She said softly.
((You're gonna have a field day with that one aren't you~?))

Kairi nodded and waited for the door to close before she gently took Tesla's unhurt hand, examining the scar on the back of his hand, tracing it gently with one finger.
((Whatcha gonna do~?))

Kairi froze, watching Tesla for a moment before gently setting his hand down on the bed and getting comfortable in her chair. In the morning she was still there, but Kohaku had come in after she fell asleep and covered her up before leaving.
Kairi stirred and opened her eyes, sitting up and yawning, rubbing the side of her head and checking the I.V, then looking down at Tesla. She stood and fixed her clothes, trying to brush out her hair with her fingers. She'd have to ask Bunko if she could make something to eat for breakfast. She grabbed some gauze and some rubbing alcohol, moving over to Tesla and pulling back his blanket, cleaning the wounds on his abdomen gently.
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