The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Kasumi made a noise and licked her clean, feeling pleased with herself

"Recognized?" Tesla repeated. Ryuumaru made a face, "What do you mean?"
Vee pulled Kasumi into her arms, holding her close and nuzzling her neck, smiling contently.

Ryuuichi shook her head. "I don't know, I just get the feeling I've seen that sword before... But I can't place it.."
Vee closed her eyes and made a soft noise. "So, you have work today?"

Ryuuichi fell silent, chewing her lip as she tried to think of where exactly she had seen that zanpakutou.
Vee opened her eyes. "You can't always reject jobs just cuz ya wanna be with me~" She smirked.

"Hai, maybe Bunko will know." She said, sighing softly.
"You still have to work, I don't want you gettin' in any trouble." Vee said, brushing her fingers through Kasumi's hair.

Ryuuichi simply nodded, watching the horizon and counting the minutes until they reached home.
"Well yeah, but if you fall into some sorta debt then I'll have to come save you~" She winked.

((So is Tesla gon get jumped by Quincies~?))
((Time skip!))

After a couple days of riding through the desert, Tesla and the others finally arrived. Ryuumaru dismounted and looked over to Kairi and Kohaku, "You two will have to discuss the formalities to Bunko-dana...she's very...friendly."
"Of course, please lead the way..!" Kairi said, then turned to Tesla. "Tesla, can you take care of the horses please?" "He'll be fine , let's go." Kohaku said, grabbing her arm and dragging her inside the guild, Ryuuichi following after the three.
((So how we gon jump pretty boy~?))

Ryuuichi knocked on Bunko's door, Kairi and Kohaku standing behind her. "Bunko? The kids are here." She said, waiting for a response.
((Rike dis!))

"Come in!" Bunko called. Ryuumaru opened the door and allowed them to enter before returning to his post

Tesla gasps when a reishi arrow pierced him in the shoulder and he stumbled back. A few Quincy had approached, bows at the ready, "What the hell is an Arrancar doing here? Bunko has some real shitty guardians for our town." One said.
Kairi stepped inside, followed by Kohaku who looked around with wary eyes. "Ohaya, Bunko-san." Kairi said and bowed to Bunko. "I'm so grateful for you to let me build my clinic here."

A young man scowled at Tesla, his eyes holding fear and his arms trembling as he aimed his weapon at the Arrancar. "Should we kill it?"
"Oh, its my pleasure! We don't have very many healers here, so we would be honored to have your assistance...!" Bunko smiled brightly, "You and your brother are very cute...!"

Tesla growled and reached for his zanpakutou, only to have his hand shot. He snarled in pain and glared. "Let's not kill him. Not yet. Let's just beat the shit out of him for tresspassing."
Kairi blushed and bowed deeply to Bunko. "Arigatou..!" She said gratefully, Kohaku however muttered that he wasn't cute he was manly, but his cheeks were still dusted pink.

The other man's mouth twisted into a cruel grin and he nodded in agreement. "Sounds fair." He said, firing an arrow, which struck Tesla in the side.
"Aw..." Bunko winked at Kohaku, "Gomenasai, Kohaku-kun~"

Tesla growled in pain, grinding his teeth. His eye glowed as he prepared his Cero, but he stopped. If he attacked them, he would be forced to leave; and that meant he couldn't protect Kairi and Kohaku.
Kohaku stiffened and blushed more, looking away and crossing his arms; Kairi giggled and turned to Bunko. "Bunko-san? We no longer have supplies, I was wondering how we'd get some?"

The young man fired arrow after arrow, not trying to avoid any main arteries or organs, he was just trying to make Tesla feel pain, show him who was in charge.
"We order them from a neighboring town in exchange for goods." Bunko answered, "Usually money or food...other times we offer protection in exchange for supplies."

Tesla ground his teeth and dropped to his knees, body trembling in intense pain
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