The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

((Yiss~ We shall get to that soon~))

"Well it probably wasn't that guys." Ryuuichi said. "Maybe it was a Shinigami's who's blade was stolen.. Or maybe they had been sold in a trade and the owner didn't think that they needed the weapon." She shrugged. "Whoever it belongs to, how are we going to move it? I mean... We can't just leave it.."
Kairi nodded, eyeing the blade. "I don't think anything can be salvaged from what's left of the clinic." She said sadly, turning to face the huge pile of rubble. "But I'll see if there is at least something's left when the fires burned out." She said.

Mao was lounging with Gin like she always did, but she seemed agitated. "Gin... We- Well I have a problem..." She spoke up.
Kairi picked through the ashes, frowning softly at the melted equipment and burnt supplies. "This is going to be hard to replace.." She said softly, going to check and see if any of the money made if through the fire.

"Well.. I don't have my zanpakutou... And I can't find it. I've searched and searched, but I think it's been sold." She said quietly, ashamed of herself.
"Bunko-dana has offered you new residencey. You can stay in our Quincy community and run a clinic there. You will be under the care and protection of the Ameno Shugonin." Ryuumaru told Kairi

"Yare~ shame~" Gin teased
"Arigatou." Kairi said, looking over her shoulder at Ryuumaru. "But I'd still like to purchase my own supplies, I don't want to be rude." She said.

Mao blushed. "Urusai. They took my sword when they captured me, there was nothing I could do." She muttered. "No doubtly my zanpakutou is probably pissed.."
Kairi nodded, the lockbox being warped and unable to open. "Alright, I must thank Bunko-san... She really saved me a lot of trouble." She said, standing.

Mao nodded. "I don't know where else to look... Maybe Vee will know something." She said, getting up from her chair.
((Vee's preoccupied~))

"Its no trouble. We will give you the funds to get back on your feet when we return." Ryuumaru said. Tesla scowled softly, wondering where the hell Kohaku was

Gin smirked, "Prob'ly~"
((Huehuehue~ And Tesla's totally pissed~))

Kairi nodded and looked to Tesla. "We can't leave, Kohaku might come back and think the worst if I'm not here, but we have no where to stay." She frowned.

Mao left with a wave, going to find Vee, but when she requested her services, she was told she was with a client. Mao took a seat in the front, waiting until Vee's 'client' had left.
((She's in for a looooooong wait~~))

"I'm going to search for him." Tesla said and went off, searching for Kohaku's reiatsu

Kasumi enjoyed a peaceful bath with Vee, fingers tracing over the pale skin of her lover
Vee leaned against Kasumi, eyes closed in content as she let Kasumi stroke her.


Kohaku's reiatsu was faint, but it certainly led away from the clinic and out into the desert.
"Are you trying to bed with me, Kasumi-chan~?" She asked back, smirking softly.

Kohaku was a few miles out, having been training for hours and was drenched in sweat, to far for him to have seen the smoke.
"Would you hold it against me~?" Kasumi asked

"Kohaku!" Tesla ran up to him and grabbed him by his shirt, holding him up off the ground, "Baka mono!! What are you doing out here!?"
"Not at all~" Vee said, opening her red eyes, which had a mischievous twinkle in them.

Kohaku was clearly startled, staring at Tesla with wide eyes. "Wh- Tesla what the hell!?" He tried to shove him away. "What does it look like?" He said.
Vee turned around so she was sitting in Kasumi's lap, smirking softly.

"I always go training! And I always come back! Why would I be dead!?" He snapped.
Vee returned her kiss, closing her eyes and making a soft noise.

Kohaku's heart dropped into his stomach. "Is she okay? Tell me Kairi isn't hurt..!?"
Vee tangled her fingers in Kasumi's long wet hair, deepening the kiss.

"Tesla." Kohaku wiped the sweat from his forehead, pushing his shaggy hair out of his eyes. "Arigatou." He said. "If it weren't for you, Kairi.." His trailed off, his eyes sincere.
Kasumi smirked and kissed Vee's neck and shoulder

Tesla shook his head, "I couldn't leave her to, come on, Kairi's worried sick..."
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