The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Ryuuichi watched the horse as it drank, zoning out before a flicker of spirtual pressure caught her attention. Somewhere behind them, a hollow was approaching. "Ryuumaru." She said, turning to seafh for what was coming their way.
Ryuuichi grabbed her Quincy cross as well, then stiffened, two more spiritual pressures flared, then five more, then almost a dozen or more.
Ryuuichi spotted the first Hollow as it came over the sand, running on four legs towards the three. It looked like an ape, and the way it howled it sounded like one too. The horses started to whiny and buck as the Hollow drew closer. "We have to move the fight away from the horses, but we can't leave them open either." She scowled.
"Stay here and make sure none get by me." Tesla stated and unsheathed his zanpakutou, "Crush! Verruga!" Tesla released his zanpakutou and morphed into his Resurectìon, runnig towards the charging Hollow and punching it hard, sending it back
Ryuuichi took aim at a hollow that was going toward Tesla, hitting it between the eyes and aiming for another. She didn't like be ordered around, but she'd take except this once.
Ryuuichi was impressed with Tesla, she hadn't expected for him to fight this well, shooting down another hollow that tried to get Tesla from the side, she aimed for another.
The three were starting to become overwhelmed and Ryuuichi scowled, glancing over at Ryuumaru. "Tesla, move out of the way, Ryuumaru, use Heilig Pfeil!" She said, readying to use Heilig Pfeil as well.
Ryuuichi did the same as Ryuumaru, and once she had built up enough reishi, she fired off hundreds of arrows.
Ryuuichi took out what was left and wined softly, letting go of her Quincy cross and letting her weapon disappear. "Anyone hurt?"
Ryuuichi frowned softly and looked to Ryuumaru. "Do we have any medical supplies?" She asked.
Ryuuichi took the supplies from Ryuumaru and moved over to Tesla. "I can only do some first aid, but I'm sure it'll do until we get to this clinic of your friends."
Ryuuichi cleaned and wrapped his wound, standing up when she finished. "Alright we should get going... I don't want to stay here for long."
Ryuuichi untied her horse and mounted it, waiting for the others. "How far are we from this point?"
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