The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Ryuuichi listened in on the conversation. Arrancar trying to protect humans? Now even humans being alive was rare to begin with, but a much more powerful race wanting to protect them? It was really weird.
Ryuuichi glanced in through the window at the two, frowning softly. A debt? What could he owe someone?
"Please...they're young...they live by themselves. Thy make little money and barely have any food to shar." Tesla requested. Bunko leaned back, "Well...we do have a building available...and we hardly have any healers..."
"What's the harm, Bunko-san? We hardly have any humans around anymore, except for the Quincies, and if they're like he says they are, it'll be good for the guild and the town, maybe we can set up a deal for them to work under the guild and have their protection as well?" Ryuuichi said from her place outside of the room. "And even if he is lying, I doubt the entire guild will be having much trouble with removing them from the town."
"I'd rather not.." Ryuuichi mumbled, crossing her arms. She and Tesla would be as good as a cat and dog together.
Ryuuichi looked to Bunko with a smile. "I'd be honored..!" She said, though in truth, she was terrified.

((*runs* HolyshitnopeBunkoisonescarymotherfucker!))
"Kairi?" Ryuuichi smirked slightly. "So you're doing all this for your girlfriend? That's understandable." She said before turning. "I'll go tell Ryuumaru and pack provisions." She said before leaving.
Ryuuichi only waved her hand over her shoulder, not even really listening as she informed Ryuumaru and headed to pack a few things.
Ryuuichi was all packed and ready to go in no time, waiting for Tesla and Ryuumaru by the entrance.
Ryuuichi had pulled two horses out from the back for Ryuumaru and herself. "Hai." She said, mounting a dappled horse and grabbing hold of the reins.

Ryuuichi set out behind Tesla through the desert, keeping her guard up in case of an attack. After a couple hours of riding, the horses began to slow. "I think they need to rest!" She called to Tesla, scanning around. "Let's find somewhere to stop and give them some water..!"
Soon Ryuuichi found a small patch of trees- dead of course- and rode towards them, hopping off her horse and tying off the reins to a low branch.
Ryuuichi checked the girth on her horse, tightening it a bit and looking to Ryuumaru, an awkward silence falling over them.
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