The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Thank you so much..!" Kairi moved forward and hugged him briefly before stepping back and bowing to him. "I wish you the greatest of luck..!"
Kairi nodded. "I can always make you something to eat before you leave, if you'd like?"
"Is there anything special that you like?" Kairi asked as she made her way to the small kitchen.
It didn't take Kairi long to make lunch, finishing it in no time and moving to the small table Tesla sat at, setting food down for him. "I have to take Kohaku his lunch... But if you'd like, I can sit with you?"
Kairi nodded and headed out of the small kitchen to give Kohaku his food before coming back and sitting down at the table with him, setting her own plate of food down in front of her after serving him.
"You mean you've never tried food before? Do you not have to eat?" She asked, brows furrowed softly, eyes full of curiousity.
"Well, we don't necessarily need to eat; us Arrancar. We survive by eating lesser Hollows." He answered, "And that sustains us for quite a while."
"I see... But what happens when there are no more lesser Hollow?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.
"Makes sense." Kairi said, eating some vegetables. "Is that what you do?" She asked, then perked. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me, I shouldn't ask so many prying questions."
"Sorry... I've never had the chance to ask any of these questions, I'm just really curious." She said smiling softly. "I know all about people... But Shinigami and Arrancar are so different..."
"I think that the humans that weren't spiritually aware no longer exist." She said. "Not that I'm aware of anyway..."
Kairi smiled sadly and shook her head. "I doubt it." She said, sounding like she knew more than she was letting on.
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