The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Alright, be safe on your travels." Kairi said, standing up and setting her dish in the sink, she'd do them later.
((Well I'll do whatever you wanna do~ I just have a small plan for when Tesla comes back~))

Tesla rode through the desert for three days, finally reaching the town full of Quincy spiritual pressures. He made a noise and rode through, moving towards the home of the Ameno Shugonin
Ryuuichi perked, frowning softly when a new spiritual pressure was sensed. "An Arrancar." She muttered to herself before taking a sip of her water, sitting at the bar.
Ryuuichi glanced over towards the door when she heard Ryuumaru deny someone access, and by the feel of the spiritual pressure, it was the Arrancar. She stood up and moved to the door, frowning. "Who is it, Ryuumaru?"
"Bunko?" Her eyes narrowed. "Why?" She asked. "What's their purpose other than that?" She asked, going into protection mode.
Ryuuichi scowled softly moving away from Ryuumaru and waiting against the wall to see just who wanted to speak to Bunko, the spiritual pressure seemed familiar though.
Ryuumaru's eyes showed her surprise when she saw it was Tesla and she stood stiffly, ready to attack if needed to. "Why are you here?" She hissed.
Ryuuichi's single green eye watched Tesla closely, a scowl set on her face as she moved to stand just outside of Bunko's office. She didn't doubt Bunko's abilities, but she also didn't want a single hair on her head touched.
Tesla sat down and discussed with Bunko about a clinic and protecting two humans who practically lived in a shithole village and was on the brink of starving
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