The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Kairi didn't look all that surprised. "Please tell me he didn't use any flash bangs or bombs."
"I'm really sorry about that, he typically doesn't get that violent." She said apologetically.
"You put up with a lot, I'm very thankful that you didn't just leave." Kairi said, finishing putting the new materials away and turning to face him.
"Kohaku's just having a fit because this little town isn't as safe as he wants it to be... But there isn't really any other safer place." She said softly.
"Not true." Tesla said, putting away the last of the supplies, "There is a safer place that would actually benefit from a clinic like this.."
"Maybe I can go and check this place out then, but I don't know where it is, and I can't leave Kohaku to tend the clinic... He only knows first aid." She frowned softly.
"You'd do that?" Kairi asked, looking surprised. "I don't want to put you out of your way.."
"I would appreaciate it." Kairi smiled brightly. "Look for any places we could open up shop, take all the supplies you need."
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