The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Ryuuichi smiled and rested her forehead against hers, smiling softly.

Kairi waved goodbye before heading out around back and saddling up her horse and heading out across the desert.
"Hai~" She purred, slowly laying back down and spreading her legs for Bunko.

"You know she's only keeping you around because she feels bad for you.." Kohaku had sat up in bed, death glaring Tesla.
Ryuuichi moaned again, laying her head back.

"And keep your filthy hands off of my sister." He said, eyes narrowing. "And your lips." He said. Having seen when he had kissed Kairi's hand.
Bunko made a small noise, feeling Ryuuichi getting close again by how her inner walls began to tremble

Tesla rolled his eye, "I was wishing her luck."
Ryuuichi let out another low moan, her release creeping up on her faster and faster before she suddenly hit her climax, moaning her lovers name.

"That sure is a weird way of wishing someone luck." He said, watching Tesla closely.
Bunko made a small noise of delight, cleaning up the juices that leaked out before licking her fingers clean

"You've obviously never admired a woman before, then." Tesla stated with a smirk, "A bratty kid like you probably scares the girls away. Now, drink your tea and hush."
Ryuuichi opened her eyes after a moment, her body trembling softly before falling still. She sat up slowly and pulled Bunko close, kissing her softly.

Kohaku blushed and took his tea in trembling hands- nerve damage- and drinking his tea slowly.
"Why don't you rest, I'm gonna eat my dinner." She said, nuzzling against Bunko's chest.

"Why do you listen to everything she says?" He asked. "What if she's wrong?"
Bunko giggled, "Do you forget who you're talking to? I don't need to rest for a while...~!"

"She has no reason or cause to lie to me." He answered, "Besides...I've never worked under a woman should prove educational and interesting."
Ryuuichi laughed softly. "I guess I've been away to long then." She said.

Kohaku looked at him from the corner of his eye, saying nothing except. "Don't touch my sister."
"Indeed." Bunko pecked her lips and moved, redressing

Tesla stopped and decided to be a bit of a jerk. Smirking, he glanced at Kohaku, "We'll see if she thinks the same as you when she's sleeping in my bed with me tonight."
Ryuuichi stood and pulled on her new clothes as well, moving over and grabbing her plate of food.

Kohaku looked like he was going to blow a gasket. "Urusai!!"
((Small skippy skip~))

Kairi finally returned with all he supplies, entering the clinic with a tired smile. "I'm back..!" She called, noticing a royally pissed Kohaku, who was sitting up in his cot. The entire time Kairi was gone, he had tried to anger Tesla, 'accidentally' dropping his tea, trying to trip him, even trying to smack talk him, but was hit back in the face with Tesla's sharp tongue. "Hey.." He muttered.
Kairi smiled and bowed her head to him. "Thank you, it's good to be back, did Kohaku behave?" She asked, pinching his ear as she passed him, making him swat at her hand, but she had already moved her hand away with a small grin.
Kairi shot a look to Kohaku, who glanced away. "I'm sorry Tesla-san, why don't you help me put some of this away?" She said. "Maybe Kohaku needs to be alone for a while."
Kairi headed to the back to restock everything, leaving Kohaku to watch the shop alone. "He didn't give you too much trouble, did he?"
Kairi smiled at him over her shoulder. "I'm surprised, he usually has a rotten attitude." She said, putting the materials away.
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