The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Then we should get going." She said and turned her horse in the direction they were heading.

After what seemed like forever of traveling, they began to near the town in which the clinic resided in, but something was terribly wrong. "So... This is just a question... You don't happen to have large bonfires often do you?" She asked Tesla.
Ryuuichi made a face, pointing to the thick black smoke billowing just over the sand in the distance. "Then what's that?" She said, but she already knew it was nothing good.
Ryuuichi followed after Tesla, kicking her horse hard and narrowing her eye. When the finally got up over the hill, she could see the just how bad it was. The entire town was aflame, not a single building went untouched and some people were on the outskirts of town, watching their homes burn with intense heat, but not many. There was nothing they could do and it seemed like the flames were alive, eating everything they touched, and the clinic was completely engulfed in flames, the building about ready to come down on itself.
The only answer Tesla had gotten was the harsh groaning of the building and crackle of the fire. Ryuuichi finally caught up to Tesla and jumped off her horse, running after him. "You can't go inside..! It's about to collapse!"
Again there was no answer, the flames seemed almost drawn to Tesla as soon as he entered. Then a faint noise could be heard, coughing. It was so faint it could've easily been frowned out by the crack of the beams as they started to fail under this own weight.
"Tesla...!" Kairi's voice called hoarsely from a closed door that he just passed. She pounded on the door, trying to get it open, but a heavy beam blocked the door. "I can't get the door open!" She sounded panicked.
Tesla moved back to the door and tried to push it open. Nothing. He would release his Resurectiòn but then the clinic would definately crumble. He unsheathed his zanpakutou and released his zanpakutou, "Move back!" He ordered and started hacking at the door
Kairi covered her mouth with her sleeve, moving away from the door as he instructed and pressing herself against the wall as far as she could. Her eyes watered and ash made them sting, the smoke starting to fill her lungs, making her cough more heavily.
"I-I don't know!" She called, jumping when a piece of the roof collapsed in behind her. "He isn't in the clinic though! And we need to get out!" She said, face smudged with soot.
Kairi coughed a few times to clear her lungs. "A man came and had everyone file into the center of town, demanding we all hand over our valuables, and any of us who didn't.." She shook her head. "He drew his sword, except as soon as he did, he caught fire. The blade set him on fire. Then the whole town went up in flames... I-I went back to make sure no one was inside, but when I tried to leave, the door wouldn't open." She said, eyes still panicked.
Kairi shook her head again. "No... I'm sure he isn't in there." She said, then noticed how she was being held and blushed.

((Don't worry, he isn't dead~))
The fire seemed to hiss in protest at his words, and the clinic before them collapsed to the ground with a large crash. Ryuuichi covered her face with her arm and turned to Tesla and Kairi when the ash settled. "You said a sword started this fire?" She asked, and Kairi nodded.
"Do you know if this sword is still here?" Ryuuichi asked Kairi and she looked around, making a soft noise and pointing to three charred bodies. Among the corpses there was a zanpakutou sticking out of the sand, small flames flickering around it. It's handle was red and it had smudges of soot on the blade, but other than that, it wasn't even touched by the fire. "It's that." She murmured.
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