The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"That's very generous of you, Bunko-san..!" Kairi said with a smile, then she shivered. She had the feeling something was wrong, but she couldn't quite place it.

"Ne..." The man stopped firing, eyeing Tesla. "He's already missing an eye... Why don't we take care of the other one~?"
"Is something wrong?" Bunko asked, sensing Kairi's confusion

Tesla glared and the first Quincy chuckled, "Sure. Sounds like a good idea."
Kairi looked around and frowned. "Yeah... Tesla hasn't come back yet." She said, then noticed Kohaku was gone as well. "Kohaku!" She turned to Bunko. "Gomenasai, please let me go find them, I feel as though something has happened." She said.

The man took aim at Tesla's remaining eye and grinned wickedly, but a sudden movement behind him knocked him off balance, making him land face first on the ground and the arrow shot through the air, missing Tesla by an inch. Kohaku stood on the second Quincy's back a small smirk playing on his lips. "Sorry..~ I tripped..~" He teased.
"Thank you so much, I'm terribly sorry!" She called over her shoulder as she ran out the door and outside to find Tesla and Kohaku.

Kohaku tutted him. "You shouldn't be picking on people who can beat your ass into next week and back." He taunted. "As for me," He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just a human, I can fight for anything!" He feigned, looking sincere. "Please spare us, big scary Quincy..!" Now he was just flat out provoking him.
"Why you-!" Tesla grabbed the Quincy's arm and twisted it behind his back, pushing him to the ground, body trembling as it was racked with pain
Kohaku jumped off the unconscious Quincy and moved over to Tesla. "Go find Kairi, I'll take care of him." He said. Kairi ran down the street, looking around for any signs of Kohaku or Tesla. "Tesla? Kohaku?" She cupped her hands around her mouth, worried about her friend and brother.
Kohaku pinned the Quincy with his knee pressed against his neck and one foot pinning one hand to the ground, the other pinned across his back.

Kairi spotted Tesla stumble out of the alley and she hurried toward him. "Tesla..! There you a-" Her eyes widened when she saw what state he was in.
"Get off me!" "My, my." Bunko strode over with Ryuumaru, "It would appear that we have some trouble makers."

"Kairi..." Tesla moved and dropped to his knees, falling forward
Kohaku looked up and cursed himself quietly. "No, you have it wrong, they attacked Tesla." He protested, keeping a firm grip on the Quincy. Ryuuichi stood beside Bunko with a soft scowl, knowing better than to say anything.

Kairi ran to him as quickly as she could, dropping to her knees and skidding to a stop beside him, looking over his wounds. "Oh my gods..." She whispered, overwhelmed at the sight of how many wounds he had. She took a deep breath and set her face, her mind kicking into over drive and thinking of all the things she'd need. She looked around, eyes darting back and forth for her brother, or anyone. She took out a small dagger, gingerly cutting Tesla's shirt off to look over all his wounds, scowling softly.
Kohaku stood, letting go of the Quincy and frowning. "I hope you have some medical supplies on hand.. They beat up Tesla pretty bad." He muttered. "Should I go help them?" Ryuuichi asked.

Kairi shook her head and gave a small smile. "You're gonna be okay, just stay awake okay?" She said, then looked around again. "I need to get supplies.." She frowned.
"No, Ichi, you can deal with our naughty friends~ I'll go help Kairi and the Arrancar~" Bunko said, starting to leave, "I know its been a while since you got to beat on some troublemakers~"

Tesla nodded weakly, trying to keep his eye open
Ryuuichi only made a noise, looking to Kohaku. "Follow Bunko, go help your sister." Kohaku was going to argue, but from the look on her face and the glare she gave him, he thought otherwise and gave a nod, following Bunko.

Kairi frowned worriedly, she didn't want to leave Tesla to go get help, but she didn't want to just sit there and do nothing.
Ryuuichi glared down at them, scowling. "Urusai." She said lowly, advancing towards them and reaching behind her, pulling out the same jagged edged dagger she had used on Tesla.

"Bunko-san! Over here! Please hurry!" Kairi begged, Tesla looked like he'd been skewred a few dozen times.
((Haha, no not really~ But she does interrogate for Bunko sometimes~ :>))

Once Bunko was there, Kairi let out a sigh of relief. "We need to move him somewhere, the infirmary would preferred. He may have internal bleeding."
((Haha~ Yeah~~))

Kairi shook her head. "Maybe together." She said, then noticed Tesla's eye was starting to close and he looked pale. He was losing blood at a steady pace. She frowned and started first aid, putting her hands over the one of the wounds. "Please get Ryuumaru-chan, Bunko-san." She said, focusing on her work.
Bunko nodded and pulled out her soul phone, sending Ryuumaru an S.O.S. The tall male seemed to appear from nowhere and picked up Tesla, carrying him off. Bunko took Kairi's hand, "Ikuzo, Kairi-chan." She said kindly
Kairi looked up at Bunko, her face ashen. "Please let me take care of him." She requested with pleading eyes. Kohaku stood off to the side, frowning softly.
Kairi nodded and went to work, cleaning herself up quickly before gather materials and heading to work. She cleaned as much blood off of his chest as she could, frowning at how many times he had been shot. She counted fourteen. "One of them hit a major artery, I can fix it easily, but he'll need a blood transfusion to make up for the blood he lost." She said as she worked. "Tesla? Can you tell me what blood type you are?" She asked as she checked out the other wounds to make sure they didn't hit anything serious.
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