The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Kairi made a soft noise. "Hm." She bit her thumb then took careful sips of her hot tea. "May I ask what else happened?"
Tesla frowned softly, "Sadly, I do not remember much..." He closed his eye, remembering seeing Nnoitra being slain as he laid uselessly in the sand. He remembered crying for his master. But, the next thing he knew, he was awake and alive in the middle of the desert. Tesla sat up and groaned in pain, reaching to touch his wound. But he was surprised to see that it was completely healed, only a pink scar remained of where he had been slashed. It took him a long while before he could find a replacement for his torn clothing, but after it was replaced, he set out on his own. Tesla's eye opened slowly, "I only remember hearing about Aizen-sama's defeat and the collision of the three planes of existence when I had returned to consciousness..."
"That's okay." She said, then made a face. "When you returned to consciousness?" She asked. "What happened?"
(( ;3; Tessie baby!))

Kairi placed her hand on his. "You don't have to talk about it unless you want to." She said.

Tesla's cheeks dusted a small pink and he glanced at her hand. His hand twitched, hesitating, before he laced his fingers slowly with hers

Kairi smiled softly and held his hand gently, her own cheeks a soft pink.
(( :'D Ruh...Really...!?))

Tesla blushed a bit more, heart fluttering

((There you see her~ sitting there across the way~ she don't got a lot to say, but there's something about her~ and you don't know why, but you're dyin' to try, you wanna kiss the girl~ XDDD))
When the waitress returned and set their food down, Kairi didn't really want to pull away, his hand was firm and warm, and it made her stomach do flips.

((Of course~ *shoves Tesla*))
"Ah...A-Arigatou..." Tesla muttered. He hesitantly pulled his hand back and stared at the bowl of odd looking greens and small red spheres and circular pale green things.
((Don't eat the tomatoes! They're evil! D:<))

Kairi picked up her fork and cut into her fish, spearing a piece and popping it into her mouth.
((Grape tomatoes are dericious!))

Tesla poked at it hesitantly before stabbing a tomato and watching the juices spurt out, "Oh, sweet Menos, did I kill it?"
Kairi giggled and shook her head. "No, no, you didn't kill it." She said. "Tomatoes are just really juicy."
Tesla blinked and slowly ate the tomato, making a face at the sweet taste. He forced himself to swallow it and coughed, "Well then..."

((Tesla doesn't seem like a tomato guy xD))

Kairi ate another piece of fish. "You get used to some things, others aren't as good." She said.
"Thank you for joining me, even though the tomatoes were horrible." She said, pulling out a small purse and waving the waitress down so she could pay.
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