The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Vee took a shakey breath and nodded weakly. "I-I'll try... P-Promise.." She said, closing her eyes again and relaxing, having fallen unconscious.
Kasumi frowned and sat down next to Vee, garnet eyes holding fear as she stared at her lover, "Please..." Kasumi took Vee's hand, "Please don't die..."
Vee slept for two whole days, fighting her fever, and on the third night, she finally broke it. She woke up and was resting in bed, guzzling as much water as she could. Kairi closed her soul phone and looked up to Kasumi. "I called in a favor from a friend, he said he could fit Vee-san with a prosthetic arm... If you want that?" Vee lowered the cup of water from her lips and sighed. "I guess it's better than no arm, thank you." "It's no problem, really."

((Could you be Urahara~?))
((I think I did last time~ either way, sure~))

Kasumi rubbed Vee's leg affectionately, "I hope no one at work gets mad at you for being gone so long..."
Vee laughed softly. "I didn't tell them I was leaving... I just left..." She muttered, drinking more water. Kairi sent a message out to her friend and Vee gingerly touched her kissing arm.
"Business is probably going to go down... Not many men find a fake arm appealing." "Um... You're a prostitute, yes." "I am." She said softly. "I-I didn't mean it in a bad way I just-" Vee laughed. "Don't worry, I mean, unless you and blondie here wanna make your sex life a bit more interesting." Kairi's cheeks flushed dark red and she covered her mouth. "N-No thank you.." She muttered, embarrassed.
Kasumi's dark gaze moved to Kairi and Tesla before gingerly pulling Vee closer, "I don't take kindly to sharing...its bad enough I have to share her with men."
"I was only teasing~" Vee purred and Kairi's soul phone chimed. "That must be Urahara-san..! I hope he agreed.." Kairi said, trying to change the subject. She picked up her phone and checked it. "Urahara says he'll work on the arm, but he'll have to make size adjustments and come fit it." She said.
Vee waved with her good arm. "I can tell this is going to be fun already." She said, rubbing her shoulder. "Let's get this over with." Kairi nodded and looked to Urahara. "Will you need anything?"

((Is this gonna hurt like a bitch~?))
((Remember Ed when he got his automail?))

"Just need room to work~!" He answered as he moved over to inspect Vee's missing arm so he could take messurements
((It's gonna hurt like a bitch then~))

Vee let Urahara handle her arm, wincing every now and again when he handled her arm.
"Well, this'll be very fun indeed! I'm glad we're in a clinic, because I'm goig to need a lot of anesthetics!" Urahara seemed very bright about this. Kasumi frowned, "What are you going to do?" "I'm gonna do the best I can~"
Kairi nodded and moved to the cabinet. "Are we going to put her under or use a numbing agent?" She asked.
Kairi nodded and moved over with a bottle of clear liquid and a needle, handing it to Kisuke before handing Vee three wooden tongue compressors to bite down on. "Thanks.." She said, putting them in her mouth and looking to Urahara.
"Now, even with the numbing agent, you're gonna feel me tugging and attaching the nerves and its gonna smart like the Dickens~!" He warned, "So, please don't throw me across the room~"
Vee grunted and nodded, grabbing the metal railing with her other arm and holding on tight. "Try hard not to make it hurt so much then." She muttered behind the wooden sticks.
Vee bit down hard on the tongue compressors, surprised at the pain that shot through her arm, instinctively letting to of the metal railing and swinging a fist to hit him in the face, but she aimed high at the last second and simply punched the air above his hat. "Sorry... Hurt more than I though it would.." She hissed out, grinding her teeth in pain.
Vee death gripped the side of the bed, grinding her teeth and doubling over, black spots dancing in her vision, trying to breath slowly to ignore the pain.
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