The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Vee ground her teeth in pain, feeling the bone in her arm crack and gripped his hair tighter, slashing with her tail again, across his neck this time. She stumbled back, blood dripping from her scythe where she got him from his neck to his chest, but more blood spilled onto the ground. She gripped her arm, or where it used to be, because just below her elbow, her arm had been completely severed.
((Cut it a bit~ But she doesn't have to hack him apart~ 'member what happened to Mao in the first one~?))
"That's the only one I need." She said, staggering a bit, more blood spilling onto the ground. "So, how are ya feelin' hun? Gettin' a little feverish?" She asked, grinning. "It does work pretty fast."
Vee reverted back to normal and sheathed her sword, tearing the sleeve from her kimono and wrapping the stump of her arm to slow the bleeding. "This is over, we're done.." She muttered, walking toward the door. "Enjoy whatever." She muttered.
Vee closed the door and moved over to Kasumi, slumping down beside her and swallowing hard. "Have any more of those..?"
Vee downed them all and rested her head against the wall. "We're gonna need to see a doctor..." She murmured.
"Haa..." She grinned and slowly pushed herself to her feet. "Don't worry about it, Arrancar are tough." She said, helping Kasumi up with her good arm. "Let's get out of here..." She said, starting to feel a bit feverish.

"Kasumi-chan..?" She frowned, growling softly when her vision blurred. "You're the one who's hurt..."
((I say we go with the most drama and send them to Kairi~!))

" lost your arm and a lot of blood...its my turn to take care of you..." She said, trekking through the desert
(((=^・ω・^=) Does Tessie not like them? Or is Kasumi gonna be grumpy as all hell~?))

"Kasumi..." Vee went limp against Kasumi, face ashen and the torn kimono sleeve that wrapped the stump of her arm dripping blood into the sand, her skin becoming feverish to the touch.

When Kasumi arrived at the closest town, she ignored the Quincies glaring at her girlfriend. She kicked open the door to the clinic, "Hate to intrude, but my girlfriend needs help! Please...!" Kasumi called
Kairi stood up from her desk and moved over to Kasumi quickly. "Tesla! I'm gonna need help in here!" She called. "She's lost a lot of blood.." She frowned and immediately took Vee from Kasumi, able to pick up the small woman quite easily. She laid her on a cot and removed the torn fabric from her bloody stump of an arm, frowning. "How old is this wound?" She asked, setting up an I.V drip.
"Couple hours..." Kasumi answered. Tesla came in quickly with gauze and medical wrap and tape. Kasumi's eyes zeroed in on Tesla and she glared lightly
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