The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Kairi made a face. "It looks days old.." She murmured and started to clean off the blood. She grabbed a few tools and moved her arm to get a better angle. "I'll have to clamp the blood vessel... The bleeding has slowing, but it hasn't stopped." She said.
Kairi nodded. "The good thing is, is the bone was cut cleanly... But the bad thing is it looks infected." She spoke as she worked. "It looks like it's been festering for days... What severed her arm?" She asked, taking the clean gauze from Tesla and wrapping up the stump.
Kairi faltered, but resumed working. "I see... I'm very sorry, Tesla , why don't you take care of her wounds, I'll take care of this.." She said. "Her names Vee, yes?"
"Hai." Kasumi answered, eyes still trained on Tesla, "Don't you dare do anything other than fix her. Its your fault, after all." "I had no part in this." Tesla said. Kasumi scoffed, "He kidnapped me so he could figure out where you were."
"Can we please put all personal matters aside." Kairi turned, a frown on her face and her voice stern. "Right now we will take care of your friend and and you to the best of our abilities, I am sorry what happened to you and Vee-san, but please, just let us do our jobs." She said before going back to work on Vee, taking her temperature and cleaning her up, putting a wet rag on her forehead.
After taking all of her vitals and making sure that her only injury was her arm, she covered her with a blanket, making sure she'd be comfortable. "She should be fine... But she did lose quite a bit of blood, so she'll be resting for a while." She said.
"It's really no problem, you can sleep here for the night if you'd like, just pick a cot." She said smiling softly.
Kasumi nodded and grabbed her coat, reaching into one of the pockets and pulling out a small purse. Reaching inside, she pulled out a small wad of yen, "Here...should be half a million yen right there..."
Kairi took the money and bowed. "Thank you." She said before turning and moving to put the cash in the lock box. "I'll stay up and watch Vee-san... Rest.."
In the morning, everyone was woken up by loud screaming, Kairi and Kohaku trying to hold Vee down on the bed as she struggled, covered in sweat and the gauze around her missing arm stained red. "Tesla! We're gonna need help in here!" Kairi called, Kohaku being thrown against a wall and knocking over some medical equipment.
Vee looked around with wild eyes, breathing hard, her hair plastered to her face with sweat. Kairi felt Vee's cheek and forehead. "Her fever is so high... Kohaku get arm and leg restraints from the back room, Tesla hold her while I get the penicillin." She said and moved to the cupboard, Kohaku coming back with the thick leather restraints and tying Vee down, who still looked panicked and confused. "The infection I mentioned.." Kairi said as she removed the bandage, frowning more and setting up a penicillin drip. "It looks a week old and it's only been a few hours, something's speeding up the infection.. You said Nnoitra cut her arm off, does his weapon have any kinda of bacterial poison on it or anything?" She asked Kasumi.
"How the fuck should I know? Ask the little blonde bitch, he worked with him." Kasumi was irate and worried. Tesla scowled softly but understood her behavior, "No, Nnoitra's zanpakutou has no such capability.."
Kairi thought for a moment, placing a cool rag on Vee's forehead. "What is her ability?" She asked. "She is an Arrancar, maybe... Maybe the wound was self inflicted. Did she say he cut her arm off?" She asked, re-wrapping her arm and looking to Kasumi for answers.
Kairi nodded and moved back to Vee, who was breathing hard, but her eyes were closed. "Tesla, is there anything you can do?" She asked, getting a syringe and taking a blood sample. "I'll see what's causing the infection, whatever it is.. It's not normal.." She said and headed to the back.
Vee's eyes opened and she gasped, gripping the bed sheets and looking around. "Kasumi-chan...?" She swallowed hard and blinked slowly. "Where am I..? Wh... Where's Kasumi..?" She asked with slurred speech.
Vee grinned weakly, then tensed and ground her teeth in pain. "I-I'm glad you're okay... I'll be fine... Just... You need to let the poison take it's course... A-And hope it doesn't kill me.." She said, swallowing hard. "Water..." She murmured, resting her eyes. "I need... A lot of water... And a heavy saline drip.. The poison dehydrates organs and makes them shrivel up.." She said weakly.
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