The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Rido sat down beside Rie, holding her hand gently and waiting for Szayel rather impatiently, tapping his foot.
"Yeah? Well maybe it fucking ran out." He hissed, glaring at Szayel. "Why would you let them go alone?" He growled out again.
"You already asked me that and I answered. I had faith that Nieve would be able to protect herself and Rie, but I didn't account for the slave trade. Now, shut up and let me work." Szayel said
((Then just go with what Nnoitra would do~ And remember to piss off Vee to the max~))

Vee paced her room, scowling. Kasumi hadn't stopped by to see her for almost five days now, which was very unusual for her. She never took this long on a mission, not even when it was a difficult one. "That's it." She moved to her vanity, reaching under it and pulling out her katana, she picked up her kimono and easily cut off the chains around her ankles, heading over to the window and hopping out onto the desert floor. She crouched down and laid her hand flat on the sand, closing her eyes and focusing. After about a minute she opened her eyes and stood, turning forty degrees on her heel and using sonido, moving as fast as she could. About seven miles or so into the desert, she slowed down, panting softly as she reached where she wanted to be, a large size of building, but it was familiar. She made a face and moved forward cautiously toward the building: Nnoitra's wing of Las Noches.
((Don't worry!))

"Sir, the woman we captured still hasn't told me any useful information on the Fraccion who betrayed you... It seems she isn't going to crack... What would you like for me to do?" He asked, following Nnoitra closely. Vee clenched her teeth, listening to the conversation and waiting for them to pass so she could slip in.
"I don't give a fuck what you do with her, so long as you don't get her blood on my floor. And if you do, I'll beat the shit out of you and make you clean up her blood and yours." Nnoitra growled boredly
"Of course, Nnoitra-sama." The young man said, bowing to Nnoitra before heading off down the hall. Vee slipped inside, making sure to suppress her spiritual pressure as she followed after the red headed Fraccion. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, moving over to a woman chained to the wall, grabbing her roughly by the chin and yanking her up so he could look her in the eyes. "If you tell us about the man, you can go free."
Kasumi looked up at him with her good eye, her other swollen and refusing to open. She pursed her lips, as if thinking, before sitting blood in his face, "I don't know shit about this Tesra or Telsa or whatever the fuck his name is. Now, let me go!"
Vee death gripped her katana, grinding her teeth and slipping into the room. The Faccion scowled and gripped her jaw harder and harder, about to break it, but he shoved her back. He moved over to a table where bloody utensils lay. He grabbed a very sharp knife and moved over to her, hooking her pants with the blade before slicing up the leg of her pant slowly. Before he could cut all the way up, he froze, tensing and staring with wide eyes before his head fell from his shoulders and fell in Kasumi's lap. Vee stood behind the dead man, blade dripping with blood.
"Well, how do you like that?" Kasumi smirked weakly and nudged his head to the side, looking up at Vee, "Have I told you how beautiful you look when you're pissed off~?"
Vee grunted and kicked the body aside, leaving a large smear of bright red blood on the floor, then kicking the head away and crouching down in front of her and undoing the shackles. "Yeah, whatever- Sweet Menos, look at your face." She said, releasing the second shackle and pulling Kasumi against her chest. "I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner.." She murmured, petting her tangled hair. "I'm gin agent you out of here." She said and stood, picking Kasumi up gently.
"Shush... You rest.. I need to take you somewhere to get checked out.." She said, heading toward the door.

((Just bring in Nnoitra and we can have a nice little fight~))
Vee nearly had her head taken off, eyes wide she turned to face Nnoitra. "We were just leaving," She set Kasumi against the wall gently. "If you clean up the blood now, it won't stain the floors."
"Shut the fuck up, whore. Neither of you are leaving. I have been stressed thanks to Tesla...maybe you can provide me the stress relief I need..." Nnoitra said
Vee's spiritual pressure spiked and she laughed bitterly. "Sorry hun, but sex isn't an option." She drew her sword. "And even a prostitute needs to blow steam and believe me when I say it isn't by getting off." She hissed, red eyes dangerous.
Vee's red eyes glinted, and she turned her sword on herself before impaling herself on it, then falling to her knees, blood dripping down the blade and onto the floor. "Strike and poison... Escorpión..!" She forced out, a large blast of sand and hot wind. When it settled a larger form stood before Nnoitra, Vee in her ressureccion. Just below her hip bones was scale like body armor the color of ebony; the body of a scorpion, her upper body covered in white scale like armor, two sharp jagged pieces of bone on her jawbone, her short white hair was cropped close to her chin, the other side down to her breast. Her long bony tail curled around in front of her, a scythe like blade attached at the end glinting. "Kasumi-chan, if you can walk I need you to get out of here."
Vee ground her teeth, tail rising into the air, baring her teeth at Nnoitra and charging forward, slashing out at him and moving her hand forward, grabbing a handful of his hair.
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