The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Mao nodded, and once her hands were unbound and grabbed Gin by his hair and pulled him close in a loving kiss.

Nieve took packed the list in her back pack and smiled happily, hugging Szayel tightly before hugging Rido, who grumbled and moved away to hug Rie. "I wish you'd let me go with you... Be safe, okay?"
Mao pulled away and payed back on the bed, breath slowing. "It's still early in the day.. Got anything planned?"

Nieve waved goodbye to Szayel, opening up the door and stepping int the sand. Rido patted Rie on the head before waving her off, looking a bit agitated he wouldn't be going with her.
Mao laid beside Gin, wrapping her arms around his arm laying her head on his chest.

Nieve made sure Rie was within arms length, heading across the desert to the town to the east.
Nieve shook her head, looking over her shoulder at Rie. "Not this time, we need to get some supplies for Szayel-sama... As well as food." She said, frowning softly when she saw what looked like a caravan, but it was completely boxed in, like a large metal box on wheels being pulled by two horses. " Rie... We need to hurry, okay?" She said, taking her hand. "Stay with Nieve."
Nieve kept a steady walking pace, glancing over her shoulder every now and again, but the caravan never seemed to gain on them, nor fall behind. Maybe it was lost and need help? Maybe they were heading into town as well? Nieve didn't know and she didn't want to take the chance and find out. About an hour later of traveling, she heard the crack of a whip and the horses whiny in protest as they sped up. Nieve stopped and turned, they were heading right at them now. "Rie, go hide in the building over there, Nieve says." Nieve said, pointing to the old worn out building.
Nieve looked back at the caravan which was only feet away not and slowing down. She bit her lip and moved in front of Rie, holding her hand still. "Rie, if anything happens, run back to Otou-sama." She said softly. One of the two rugged looking men stepped down from the caravan, a deceitful grin on his face. "What are you two lovely ladies doing out here all by yourself?" "None of your buisness, desu." "Oh~? That's not very nice of you~ Wha'dya think, about these two?" He looked over his shoulder at his buddy. "Should we give them a ride~?"
"You'll give Rie and Okaa-sama a ride to town~!?" Rie asked excitedly. "Well, sure, sweetheart...! It would be awful rude if we didn't.." The other said
Nieve frowned. "We'll walk, Rie... Thank you though." "C'mon, we promise we won't charge you..!" Nieve made a face, she could smell something odd; glancing at the caravan she noticed a side panel had opened and some soft of smoke was coming out. Now that she looked to the men again, she noticed they both had some weird gas mask over their faces. Her mind went fuzzy for a moment and she relaxed a bit. "Nieve... Nieve thinks we should walk.." She said, though in truth she wanted to catch a ride with them. Something was wrong, she suddenly started to feel sluggish and very relaxed. "Rie... Let's go."
Nieve's legs wobbled and she fell to her knees, panic being pushed aside by the overwhelming urge to sleep. "No.." She covered her mouth and nose with her sleeve but it was too late. Her eyes closed and she fell forward, the man grinning widely and moving towards them, grabbing Rie and hauling her over is shoulder. "Grab the bigger one, these two will be the last ones we pick up." He said, opening the back of the caravan and tossing Rie inside where several other women lay unconscious, knocked out by the thick smoke.
((Bububu BUUUM!!))

Rie tumbled, eyes half-lidded as she stared at Nieve's unconscious form being tossed in next to her, "Okaa...sama..." She croaked before finally falling asleep

After hours of waiting, Rido paced back and forth in the lab, death gripping his katana. "They should've been back by now! And I searched for their reiatsu and I didn't feel a damn thing! I should've gone with them!" He snapped at Szayel. "Why would you send them alone?!"
Szayel was doing some calculations on his computer, "Nieve and Rie are both very powerful and can fend for themselves. I have faith." He said. His fingers halted over the keys, " that you mention it, they have been gone longer than anticipated." He noted. Moving from his seat, he regurgitated Fornicarás and headed for the exit, "Let us be off, Rido, we haven't a moment to lose."
Rido made a face of disgust when Szayel regurgitated his zanpakutou, but followed him out the door. "They better be fine.." He muttered bitterly.
The auction had already begun, and this time it was a bit different. It was only women and they were all brought on stage in fine, revealing clothing, done up as best as the holders could while the slaves were in their drugged state. They didn't have to be bound or chained, simply escorted up on the platform and shown off, they could barely stand let alone walk. Nieve was slouched over on the ground beside Rie, having just been dressed in the provocative clothing. "What about the whelp? Should we send the kid to the mines, or make a pretty penny here?" He laughed like it was some sort of joke.
Nieve's eyes moved slowly to look at Rie, trying to reach out weakly. "Rie..." "Shuddap, grab the kid, she's up next." He said, nudging Nieve to her feet and grabbing her arm roughly.
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