The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Eventually Vee cracked the wooden compressors and was nearly chewing on the broken end of the wood, showing Urahara just how colorful her vocabulary was.
Vee looked like she was going to pass out, or throw up. "I'm fine.." "Maybe we should give her a break?" Kairi offered. "I said I'm fine..! Keep going..!" She said, swallowing back the bile that rose in her throat.
Vee nodded and Kohaku moved over with a trash can, setting it beside Vee, but still staying out of arms reach from her. "I'm fine." She said, but another wave of pain hit her and made her retch into the can.
When the arm was finally attached, Vee groaned softly and glared weakly at Urahara. "Sadistic bastard...." She swallowed and moved the mechanical fingers. "You did a great job..." She said and laughed weakly.
"Like shit... But at least I have an arm." She said and laughed weakly. "You should rest here a few more days... At least until the pain goes away and we know there are no complications." Kairi said.
Vee laughed weakly. "They'll probably have sent out word about a run away slave by now... So I don't know... Never ran away before..." She muttered, holding Kasumi close.
Kairi nodded in agreement and Kohaku was already halfway to the door, waving goodbye over his shoulder. Vee giggle and kissed Kasumi softly. "Who says I won't take you~?"
Mao looked up from polishing her blade, something it enjoying having done. "I suppose a don't see why not." She said, putting the polish away and sheathing her blade.
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