Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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(Do you mean that? Pols I will hurt you.. if your lieing)

Reta cums deep in her honey pot "hopefully something will happen.."

Memy cums and pulls out. after a moment she stands up and kisses him "Ok.. but, hopefully they'll let us" she holds his paw
((Of corse I mean it!! ^^ ))

"Something will, I hope at least, I mean, well... You were my first..." Beeza blushes deeply.

"They should let us in. We're a couple after all, aren't we?" He asks with a smile and standing up.
(*nuzzles* need private time with me?)

Reta lays by her "I'm.. just going to nap.." she yawns

Memy walks with Blaze as they slowly head out "Wait.. Blaze.. you know.. I'm afraid of going outside.." she stairs at the door
((We've got our RP but if you want one with us I won't say no. *cuddles* or we could make it public like this. If you're ok with that, if not then send me a pm.))

Beeza cuddles Reta. "Mistress?"

Blaze looks at Memy. "Hey, you've got me with you, what are you afferaid of?" He asks.
(Maybe.. a new Rp.. with me riding a cute little dragon)
Reta kisses Beeza "Yes..?"

Memy holds him close "Ok.. you lead me" she said her tail wraps around her leg
((Ok, so I'm guessing I'm a salamence then :p ))

"Thank you. For being my first." Beeza says.

"Okay." Blaze says, leading Memy out the front door.
(We can do it along the one we're going then)

Reta kisses again "I.. would love to take you again.." she yawns as her paws rub her bee body

Memy walks with him as the leave the manor "So.. it's nicd outside.." she said acting a bit scared still
"If you would allow it, may I return the favor mistress?" Beeza asks.

"Indeed it is." He continues walking until they get to the day care.
Reta nods as she closed her eyes "I wont stop you"

Memy kisses his cheek "Can we get something to eat? I'm a bit hungry
Beeza moves around a bit and then inserts a large round pointed object into Reta's cunt.

"Sure, what do you want to eat?" Blaze asks.
Reta's eyes shot open "Wait.. stop don't put something in me" she looks at Beeza (Go ahead she's just fighting)

Memy thinks "how about pizza and I kinda wanted to tell you about the way I wanted to breed you.." She blushes hiding something
((Never intended to stop, heh))
"Mistress... I'm going to repay the favor." Beeza says sliding her now obvious stinger all the way inside of her, which slightly pokes at the back of Reta's pussy.

"O-okay." Blaze says taking them to a pizza parlor and getting them a pizza.
Reta crys a bit as the stinger fills her "What are you going to repay me with?"

Memy sits at the table as they wait for their pizza "Blaze the way I want to bred you is.. were.. you have the baby.." she said blushing
"Something that will hopefully impregnate you, I've never tried but it has a liquid that comes out when I rub it against something long enough." Beeza says with a deep blush.

"How... Would that work?" Blaze says a bit confused.
Reta nods "Go.. ahead then.. careful it hurts" she started to jerk off

Memy purrs happily as the pizza gets to them "I heard these new ditto breds can do that"
Every now and then Beeza thrusts hard into Reta, making it feel like it was going to pierce her, though she was careful to not actually pierce her insides.

"Seems interesting." Blaze says taking a bite of the pizza.
(( Aw crap, I vanished again...n' I forgot to tell people about it... one person in particular... Apologies to all, especially Memy... I'm thinking about dropping out of this rp.. seeing as how I'm not keeping up. It's not because it's not fun, it's VERY fun, I just don't wanna be 'that ONE guy' you know? Haha... ))
The Lopunny looks between the two, large ears twitching. Simon sits up, rubbing his green hair from his face as he stands. Lila stands beside him, looking down at the shorter pokemon. "Lo~punn~y?" she murmurs, tail slowly swaying.
Lila shakes her head and giggles, tail wagging more. She leans over to poke the new male pokemon, crimson eyes wide and curious.
Josh turns to face the bunny "Oh.. well.. I'm a male" He blushes giving her a hug "I wouldn't mind helping you.." he said as his sheath started to get hard

Reta crys as her belly grows with each thrust "Oh.. fuck.." she moans

Memy nods "You.. wouldn't mind?" she kisses his cheek
"And I can help out Simon there." Lilly adds.

"D-do you like it, Mistress?" Beeza asks.

"Not at all, I'll do anything for you Memy. All you need to do is ask." Blaze says with a smile.
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