Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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Maya has orders to find and stop anything that could be unorganized mating action. she hears a noices and finds Haunter fondling her "Are you to even employed here?" she questions them.. "If so hand me your region" she said in a bossy tone
Maya smiles "Cool we're both from the same town" the yellow lucario smiles and gives back the card
Alistair's pin hadn't been as good as he thought, as he was tossed off to the side by Lily's push. But he quickly clambered back up and went at her and unleashed a couple punches, making up in power for what he lacked in volume.
Haunter pauses and just looks at this new girl "I am a full fledge Pokemon we don't carry them...but you can talk to Chris he can voutch for me" Haunter said
((Well excuuuse me princess xD))

"Memy I'm sorry." Blaze says taking the bill, and moving to hug her.

"Well you were bad for destroying the wild life." Beeza says.

Lilly moves to dodge Alistair's attacks as she starts to beat up on him.
Alistair pressed his arms together in front of his head and neck, protecting them from her punches, while he waited to get an opening and land some more blows. At least he was enjoying this though, since there weren't very many other good fighters at the manor.
Memy crys as she holds him "I.. don't want him.. I'm sending him away.." She crys her head resting on Blaze's chest

Maya looks at him "Know what your right.. and because Chris has a unregistered friend with no ID.." she leaves them alone.. to find chris

Reta looks into her bee.. eyes "I.. want you to hate me.. Or just say something mean to me.."
Seeing as how Lilly couldn't get as alistair's upper torso she begins to aim blows at both his upper and lower torso.

"What? I want to at least get to meet my son..." Blaze says, embracing Memy.

"I'm sorry mistress but I can not hate you or say anything mean." Breeze said.
Haunter watches as the lady leaves, he doesn't say anything else. He looks at the busty lady "i would not think groping was sex....indont want you in trouble, ima go get this sorted...I better go find Chris thanks for the bit of fun...I may be back..." Haunter bows and disappears to forwarn Chris about the girl comming.
He didn't know what to say or think, he puts his money in his pocket and goes back to the laundry room hoping Memy was there still.
Memy sniffles as she holds her best friend "He's so.. cute.. has a small red tent in his fur color.. and blue eyes.. like yours.." memy said looking up at him with her big green eyes, she grabs his paw leading him to her room and locking the door "Look.." she said holding Josh as he was a little luxray

Reta blushes "I.. feel different... like I shouldn't hate myself.. or.. others.. maybe.. you shown me something I was looking for.." she said smiling.. her pink hair almost starts to glow as the sun sets

Maya kicks open Chris's Door "Chris! Why the hell did you bring a unregistered pokemon in here.. your in big trouble.. hell" she screams at him
Blaze smiles. "He's adorable, and cute, just like his mother." He gently ruffles the little ones fur. "What his name?"

"You mean a friend. Correct mistress? Ah! I forgot. Might I ask your name? Mine is Beeza." She says.
Before Chris could even get to his door it was kicked open. Awe struck by this lady Chris doesn't reply, once she is done he was at a lost for words. "Woah woah calm down there lady. I was here long before you, I will talk to Memy about your outlandish action taken at me, beside kicking in my door. Now excuse me" Chris pushes pass the girl, Haunter disappears and goes away hidding away for a bit
Memy.. nuzzles Josh as he's about 2'3 half her body length "His names just.. doesn't talk much.." She sits as Josh wake.. his eyes open up to see his father. His big blue eyes look at Blaze "Josh.. this is your father.." Memy rubs his head

"Re..Re..Reta.." she crys in her arms

Maya pushes Chris "I was hired by Alistair to watch out for Memy's well being.. your going to ger her in trouble from her... nevermind." she easily holds him down with one paw "I'm watching you.." she punches the wall leaving a hole in it
Josh looks up but then away "mom..." he wimpers a bit "Josh.. he's your Dad.. don't be afraid.." I say trying to let you hold him for a bit

"Why are you calling me mistress.." Reta wipes her tears away
Chris watches at the girl tries to intimidate him, Chris grumbles and goes off to find Memy.

Jane and Amy now go to the living room, as Haunter floats by, telling them what was going on.
Blaze takes his son and holds him. "Hey there, how are you?" He asks.

"Well, I was raised in a mansion where I was told to call all females I met Mistress, and all makes I met Master. I was reluctant at first, but then it grew on me, and eventually I started calling everyone Master or Mistress." Beeza says kindly.
Josh just looks at him before nuzzling his chest "Dad..." he said as he started to suck on his thumb "Blaze... can.. you stay with me tonight.." Memy say holding him as he held Josh

Reta giggles "I thought.. it was special.." she kisses her cheek
Chris finds Memy's door now it hand a box for rent, Chris deposited his cash with his note it washis. And his complaint about the Lucarios lady, he then joins Jane Amy and Haunter
"Of corse Memy." Blaze says.

"I suppose I could try and break the habit to make it special for you." Beeza says, holding Reta and rubbing her back. "And I thought you didn't like bugs." She says giggling.
Josh turns to nurses on memy a bit "Ok.. Josh.. but this is the last night you can do this.. your a big boy.." Memy lay on the bed with Josh on her chest as he suckles her milk for the last time. she turns the t.v. on "Blaze.. could you keep us warm?" She said rubbing Josh's back

Reta blushes "I.. like you.." she said fast

Maya walks into the room with the others as she sat on the couch.. watching t.v.
Blaze nods and gets in the bed and lays next to Memy and Josh, keeping them warm, and watches t.v. With Memy. "This good?" He asks.

Beeza blushes. "O-oh? You do? I'm flattered mistress Reta." She says.
Memy kisses Blaze as Josh has milk leaking from his mouth "I.. do feel good.." she looks at her other breast then to Blaze "Care.. to.. ah.. try some?" she said rubbing her swollen breast

Reta kisses Beeza "I.. like you.. I mean.. I find you pretty.. and sweet smelling"
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