Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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Memy looks away as she holds her son "Nero..." she said softly "You.. didn't do anything to me?" she said getting up and moving away from Dante. she sits on the other sofa as Josh nurses on her
Alistair shrugged. "Well, it's either I go at you and you do that whole dodging thing until I'm too tired to fight and you win, or I stand my ground, make you come to to me, and then I have a better chance to land a solid hit," he replied with a smirk. "Seems we're at an impasse."
Memy gets a gross look on her face as Nero looks at her.. she then runs a paw over her belly.. to feel.. "Josh.. stop, don't bite mommy.." she said as her like luxray son bite her nipple
Blaze gets up an mounts Amy, teasing at her ass. "You ready?" He asks

"Seems we have, but I can still attack from a distance." Lilly says, smirking.
"I'll always be ready" Amy looks back giving blaze a dirty look, as she kept her ass up and left her chest laying on his bed

Chris felt the cum fill his ass, but as he was pushed off Chris was left there in the room, he couldn't help but laugh. Some how he found what happened to him was funny.
Scrat heaved a sigh as he rested alone on a couch, his body almost falling off.

Jeylyn walked past Amy and Blaze, blushing and smiling at their activities as she went to find a mating partner.
Memy leaves Nero as she places Josh in her room. "Ok... you sleep tight.." She kisses him leaving him. walking down the hallway wanting to see something new

Reta goes outside as it was starting to get dark
Alistair grunted, struggling to break the ice as an idea formed. He let her continue, before lurching into motion across the frozen mud, no longer inhibited by the restraining substance. He quickly ducked into a rapid slide, tail extended to the side to sweep out her legs as he slid towards her if she dodged. Hopefully he could knock her legs out from under her and let him go for the pin again while she tried to get up. And if not, he'd still be in close where he could try and power past her guard if it didn't work.
((Icy wind doesn't have a freeze capability, it just slows an opponent.))

Lilly had been taken off guard from this, but instead if falling on the ground, she falls on top of him.

Blaze let out a light chuckle as he forced himself into Amy's ass, thrusting in and out of her.

As it was getting late, Beeza called her bees back to her for the night, and then started flying about to check on things.
((Bah. We're standing on mud. Localized temperature reduction = Frozen water, if only temporarily. That's right. I'm using science >:3))

Alistair wasn't really expecting her to fall on top of him as he grunted from the impact, but he reacted quickly as well, flipping over and moving to pin her arms over her head and neutralize them, while he used a knee to press between her legs and keep her from hitting him in the crotch or chest and break away while his eyes met hers, the thrill of the fight coursing through him.
((Pokèmon defies the laws of science! Using icy wind in a rainy condition doesn't cause you to freeze so ha!!))

Lilly blushes lightly as her eyes meet with his. She rolls her back to an arched position, brings her feet in, places them on alistair's chest and pushes him off.
(I honestly was going to rant on how I'm fucking done with this but, I fingered u'll don't really understand how I feel about this rp.. and what I honestly wanted it to be.. YwY)

Reta walks around not caring for what happens
((Well why don't you tell us then?))

Beeza runs across Reta as she's checking the days work. "Well hello there, you look a bit down. What's wrong?" She asks.
(Well I wanted this Rp be how memy was happy to finally own her own business.. a Mating house were people and pokemon can breed together.. and The only one I've seen to have a baby is Memy.. I had rules for this Rp but.. honestly everyone was like fuck the rules.. I also hate how I have a few side things going and how no one replys back.. I honestly am tired of it.. that's why Childer's never on.. people just forgot about her and she kept asking why but, no one replyed)

Reta looks at the bee "I'm not lonely.. I'm fine" she said siting by a tree
((Well Katrina will eventually but spirits takes from a short time to forever to post, so she's on hold, Lilly will have your child eventually, and Beeza, hasn't gotten knocked up yet, not that it's visible where her cunt is... But yeah, if you need me to resend a pm I'll do it, also for your, Manada, and mine, I'm usually waiting on you and Manada. If I don't reply almost right away it's because I'm on The games, or I'm asleep.))

Bees a stares at Reta. "Now I know that's not true, something seems to be bothering you, why not tell me about it?" She says in a gentle and soothing voice.
(Looks like I lose again like always.. and there pokemon not human.. shouldn't take more the a day or so... no one likes my ideas so what ever)

Reta moans "Go away.. I hate bees.." she pulls her blade out and starts to cut her thigh "Fuck.... " she crys softly
((You also have to take into account that most Pokemon have different cycles of birth than others, one birth could happen in mere seconds and others may take months, with Pokemon it's random.))

"What's wrong with bees?" Beeza asks.
(And like I said I lose like almost.. I'm never fucking right.. I just wanted a fun Rp but.. I not having fun.. I have to leave one person because they won't reply to me so I don't get bored.. I hate it.. I'm not having fun and I feel like everyone is better off without me in this Rp.. not like anyone remembers Memy owns the manor and they can do anything they want..)

Reta cuts her thigh again as she has a tear in her eye "Because your gross"
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