Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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Memy smiles and sits Josh on the table as he has milk around his lips.. "Well.. Blaze.. maybe.. here baby let mommy clean you.." she wipes his lips clean with a cloth.
Memy kisses Josh then waves to Lilly "Hey he's make food.. mind helping me.. with Josh.. I need to put him bed really fast?"
Alistair blinked, a bit surprised that she didn't actually know for certain who the father was. He supposed there wasn't much he could do about it though, so he made the sandwich, cut it in half, and brought it over to Memy, placing it in front of her before returning to his seat, watching Jane dig in before he went back to his food as well. He nodded at Lilly though he took the time to swallow before responding. "Hey."
Memy didn't even need to try as josh balled up on the table and was asleep "Al.. this sandwich is good.." Memy said a bit depressed but, with a happy tone. Josh maked a cute yawn
"Thanks," Alistair replied, taking the compliment gladly, not noticing the depression beneath the happy tone. Given enough time he would, but it being the first time he'd seen her in a few days, he was a bit off his game on his emotional tracker. "I'm fine," he added for Lilly. "Up for a bit of sparring later?"
Memy pulls Josh into her arms " I fine.. hey do you two want to come to my room.. for a bit?.." Memy did her best to hide it but, her sheath was hard and her hormones are making her start her heat early before winter.
That brought a confident smirk to Alistair's face as the agreement was made. He liked to get some sparring in to make sure he could still fight when he needed to, besides making sure he stayed in shape. sometimes he won, sometimes he lost. But it was always a good fight. A glance was shared before he nodded to Memy. "Sure," he replied, then looked at Jane. "Touch my food and expect no mercy," he warned ominously, before preparing to follow memy to her room.
Memy trotts to her room giving Lilly and Al a show. She lays Josh in is bed as she hops onto bed "Man... didn't know they would hurt so much.." she said rubbing her swollen breast. Memy then saw the tip of her cock poking out of her sheath. "I must be really horny.." Memy rubs her thigh as the fur around there is wet from her heat.
As Memy lays on her bed in a sitting waiting for Al but, Lilly was in her room first "I... think my pregnancy made me go into heat.. way to soon.. I have my heats in the winter and summer..." she trys to stop herself but slowly she starts to finger herself and jerk off slowly "Lilly.. I'm sorry.. you have to see me.. like this... having my most primitive needs taking me over..
"We all have our needs from time to time, and sometimes it takes over us. Even me believe it or not." Lilly said trying to reassure memy, going to sit next to her.
Memy holds her soft paw.. she was slowly jerking off.. she leans in and kisses Lilly "I.. sorry.." she said getting closer to Lilly
Alexander sighs softly as he mindlessly watches television in the living room, looking rather depressed as he remained isolated.
Chris wonders town now with clothes for Jane, he picks up some groceries and extra things.

Jane sits down and watches as Memy comes in Alistar makes some food she doesn't say much but watches Memy and her child

Haunter ends up in the living room am sees a lone figure watching tv, he moves and starts poking him while he was invisible

Amy bucks agaisnt blaze as he fucks her, moaning she pushes up and leans into the fire guy, making her back wet. "Ah...hey let me ride you" Amy said grinning looking up at blaze her eyes egar
Alex jumped a bit, the human looking around for the source of the poke he had received. "Hm...heh. Must have been my imagination." The young man looked back at the TV, chuckling softly to himself.
(Your gunna have to make due with Haunter sport sorry xD )

Haunter pleased with the reaction now takes the form of the chair he was sitting in. Still invisible if thean where to sit down it would feel very odd, with his ghost like powers he changed the channel yo the tv
Alistair finally arrived at Memy's room after getting distracted by something shiny (JK there :p). Glancing over to where Josh was laying in bed, his gaze returned to Lilly and Memy, not to distracted by her jerking herself off or kissing Lilly. He sat down on the bed as well, watching the show for now while waiting for Memy to drag him into it, since he presumed that was what he had been needed for.
Memy rubs up on Al "Al... can.. you help me with my needs?" she said with a giggle

Maya looks at the human as she can feel the ghost watching him. "You got a friend watching you Sir" she said
Alistair smiled warmly as Memy rubbed up against him, asking for his help. "Of course,' he replied, reaching down to rub her wet thighs. "Where do you seem to be having the most trouble," he asked tongue in cheek, like he was a doctor asking a patient about back pain or something. But he was being sincere in agreeing to help her.
Alex feels a chill run down his spine as he watches the tv, looking at it oddly as it changed its channel. "The hell...Who's got the remote?" Looking over to Maya, he inspected the Lucario seemingly coming out of nowhere. "A...A friend?" His heart raced a bit as he stared at her. "Are...are you saying you're a friend?"
Memy lifts her tail to let Al see her rear.. her balls were wet too "Both.. I want to cum so badly.. but, I want cum in me.. so badly to.. " she wines want it badly (Maybe.. safeimpregnation?)

Maya sits by Alex as she looks at him "I.. don't like it here.. I want my owner to come back..." she crys placing her paw on his lap
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